Page 395 of The Black Trilogy

“Then he’s even more stupid and greedy than you are.”

“Did you just insult me?”

“I sincerely hope so.”

“You… You…”


“Yes! You stand here in what should be my house and call me names...”

She didn’t get any further because Black, who’d been standing in the doorway since she called me a gold-digger and a prostitute, interrupted her. And he was absolutely, gloriously, unreservedly furious.

“I think you’ll find this is my house.”

Miriam turned slowly and all the colour drained out of her face. She clutched at her chest but unfortunately stayed standing.

“But...but...but you’re dead.”

“Do I look like I’m dead?”

“Well, no, but...”

“How dare you come into my house and insult my wife? The wife I’ve been married to for twelve years, which is longer than you’ve been with your douche of a husband. That seem like a flash in the pan to you?”

“W-w-when you put it that way...”

“Emmy’s never taken a cent from me that wasn’t freely given. You, on the other hand, put your hand out the minute you need cash.”

“It’s not like that. We’re family.”

“Not anymore. You’re dead to me the same as I was dead to you. Now get out and don’t set foot on this property again.”

Miriam backed through the kitchen door and practically sprinted from the house. I was sure we hadn’t seen the last of her, but hopefully she’d leave us alone for a while.

Black walked over and high-fived me. “Nothing has ever been so satisfying.”

“I can’t believe the gall of the woman, walking in here like that. And she called me a gold-digger. And a prostitute! Last time I checked, my bank account was comfortably into nine figures, and I’ve slept with less than ten men in my life.”

“Although you do have to admit there’s a certain irony that four of them are in this room.”

I couldn’t believe Black had just outed us. I threw an orange at him, but he caught it and began peeling.

It was Dan who did the maths first. “So, going on the assumption you haven’t slept with Nate, that leaves five men.”

She glanced at Nate, and he nodded his confirmation. Why did he look so horrified?

“And I’m going to count Ryan out too because you’re not that much of a cougar. So that leaves Nick, Jed, Luke and... Oh my gosh! You two are together! Like together-together?”

Two steps, and Black had wrapped me up in his arms, his chin resting on top of my head. That didn’t make me feel short at all.

“Oh, you guys, this is so great!”

“This calls for a party!” Bradley tried.

“No!” Black and I both shouted at him in perfect unison.

“Not even a small one?”