I grinned wide. “Stop bein’ so damned cute, and I’ll stop calling you baby.”
Elise’s mouth twisted. She let out aharrumph, then hauled to her feet and turned for the door, throwing me a withering look as she flounced out of Church, her fingers pressing on her busted ribs.
Colt touched a hand to her back to guide her out before turning to me and shooting his signature smirk.
My grin widened as the door closed behind them.
Atlas folded his arms across his chest and cocked a thick, black eyebrow. “Will you stop goddamned flirtin’ with my ma-in-law?” He sniffed disdainfully. “You already screwed her over once. I’ve had a little think and decided, as far as you’re concerned, she’s definitely off-limits.”
Abe cackled.
Cash barked a laugh
I leveled my SAA with a stare. “Continue on with this off-limits shit, and I’ll take ya patch.”
Atlas’s lip curled. “Keep your dirty dawg paws away from my ma while I discuss the sitch with my wife. Thirty years ago, youpassed Elise over for another woman. I think my missus and I need a powwow. Frankly, Dag, not sure you’re worthy.”
My jaw clenched. “Elise married someone else. I came home from the military ready to wife her up, but Henderson had already got in there. It wasn’t her fault, I know that, but you gotta admit, any man would feel wounded to the core if the woman who professed to love him wed another dude just weeks after he supposedly got killed in action.”
He leaned forward, got in my face, and gritted out, “Pot, kettle, and black. It didn’t take you long to knock another woman up either, did it?”
Cash—the little fucker—nodded along. “I’m the livin’ proof of that, brother.”
I shot him a glare.
Abe twisted his lips. “I told him somethin’ was off back then, Atlas. He never listens.”
My head swiveled toward him, and I snapped, “Thanks,bud.”
Abe shrugged, his lips twitching. “Well, I did. I said she loved ya and not to lose sight of the facts,” he leaned forward to get in my face, “ver-fuckin’-batim.”
My elbows hit the table, and I rubbed my temples. “I know, Abe. You were right.”
“You snoozed,” Atlas pointed out. “So, it stands to goddamned reason that now you lose. Elise is my ma-in-law, so I need to speak to my ol’ lady, and we’ll decide together if you’re damned well worthy. If it’s a nay, you back off, no questions asked. You’re the one who deemed that bikers aren’t good enough for your kin when you smacked the shit outta Colt. Now you reap what you sow,Prez.”
I leaned toward him, eyes narrowing. “Your ol’ lady’s my daughter. I’m not sure I deem you worthy either.”
Atlas’s mouth stretched into a wide, toothy smile. “Too late... Dad.”
I grunted. “Fuckin’ fuckface.”
Atlas’s lips twitched. “That’s no way to speak to your new son-in-law, is it, Daddy?”
Laughter filled the room as Abe, Cash, Bo, and Kit all began busting a gut.
Atlas grinned. “It’s okay if I call you daddy, right? I mean, youaremy father-in-law.”
My lips thinned as the guys' laughter got louder.
These fuckers loved busting my chops, but what could I do? I had to admit, this time, I deserved it. If I wanted Elise back, I’d have to jump through hoops. Atlas knew I’d make all my wrongdoings right, but along the way, he’d enjoy making me his bitch, too.
Tipping my head back, I looked toward the heavens again, cursing under my breath.
Atlas had me over a barrel, which meant the asshole was about to metaphorically grab me by the balls and squeeze hard and painfully.
God fuckin’ help me.
Chapter Six