Page 49 of Alfie: Part Two

“So it was dark when it happened,” Alfie deduced.

“Just past seven, so it was getting there.”

Alfie jotted something down. “I don’t think the surveillance is heavy around there, so I’ll see about the other two attacks.” He looked up from his phone. “What makes you think it’s more than one man doing this?”

“That’s just the rumor mill,” Phil replied. “From what I understand, there are different reports on what they look like. But the targets are similar—they were all dragged into alleyways, beat up pretty bad, and robbed.”

I frowned. “There must be something more sinister behind the attacks than walking off with whatever someone like Giulia carries around in her purse.”

“That’s what I told the cops too,” Phil grunted. “All those broken bones for forty bucks and a credit card I already froze? Doesn’t make any sense.”

Goddamn monsters.

Really. Monsters? You’re going with that word after the lecture you gave Giulia just today?

I swallowed and clenched my jaw.

“Has Mom said anything?” Alfie asked quietly. “Was she able to talk to the doctors?”

“Not much.” Phil shook his head grimly. “She’s in a lot of pain, and everythin’ happened so fast after I called you. They took a bunch of tests and X-rays, and before I knew it, a doctorsaid she needed surgery.” He stubbed out his smoke. “Listen—I’m glad youse came, but there’s nothing to do here but wait, and I imagine she’s gonna be out of it until tomorrow.”


“You’re staying with her, right?” Alfie asked.

“Of course. I’ll keep you posted,” Phil promised.

“Can we get you anything before we go, Phil?” I wondered. “Food, drinkable coffee…?”

He shook his head. “I don’t have much of an appetite. I’ll be fine.”

“We’ll be here first thing tomorrow with breakfast, then,” I said. “You’re gonna need your rest too.”

Alfie slipped his hand into mine. “What he said. Let us know when we can show up.” He glanced up at me. “I don’t wanna tell Trip and Ellie yet.”

No, I agreed. We could tell them when Giulia was on the mend.

“Where are they?” Phil asked.

“Liam and Colby are watching them,” Alfie responded.

Phil’s mouth twitched a bit. “I’m lookin’ forward to meeting your latest kid. Giulia said West can’t stop talking about him.”

Alfie smirked. “She ain’t wrong. But he’s a good kid. West’s tryna corrupt him into going straight.”

“Heaven forbid,” I drawled. “I’m surrounded by gangsters these days.”

Phil puffed out a breath and chuckled quietly. “Just this once, that might be a good thing.”


I sobered and thought about what lay ahead. It was going to be a rough time in our lives.

On our way home, Alfie didn’t say anything, but he held my hand in a death grip.

If I were to read him like I did before we left LA, he was scared and needed reassurance and had no clue how to ask for it.

I cleared my throat and slowed down as the lights switched to red. “What can I do, sweetheart?”