"It's a g-girl, Your Highness,"

Prince Garret froze.

As he turned, looking at the palace healer, his hands resting on his exhausted wife's body shook uncontrollably.

He had secretly arranged the delivery months ago, and now they were hidden in one of the underground rooms in the palace where his beloved wife, Pandora, was giving birth.

"What did you just say to me?" Prince Garret hoped he heard wrong. Perhaps it had been a mistake.

Please, gods, let it be a mistake!

But the pity in the older man's face couldn't be disguised. The palace healer turned the little bundle. "The baby is a girl."

Terror crossed Pandora's face as she adjusted herself to get a closer look at her baby.

"No. Oh, the gods, please no..." She shook her head vigorously, fresh tears gathering in her eyes.

Tears welled in the healer's eyes. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness."

"No!!!" Pandora cried out, burying her face into her husband's waiting arms, sob after sob ripping from her throat.

Garret felt numb as he held his wife.

His first daughter, Aekeira, wasn't even four yet, and the king was already negotiating with the kingdom of Cavar to sell her to the highest bidder.

Because, apparently, Navia 'could use more funds.'

King Orestus might be Garret's brother, but he was a tyrant, and his word was law.

Now, anothergirlchild?Two daughters?

Tears filled Garrett's eyes as he looked upon the crying bundle wiggling around in the healer's arms.

The world was not safe for either of his daughters.

“I’ll raise her like a boy,” Pandora declared suddenly.

The healer's eyes widened. “Are you suggesting we keep her identity a secret?”

“Yes," Pandora affirmed, her resolve strengthening. "This child will never be seen as a girl. No one will ever find out!”

“B-but, it’s impossible to hide something like this, Your Majesty." The healer panicked. "The king will order our execution!"

“Then, we take the secret to our grave." Pandora's voice was fierce. "I was unable to protect my first daughter, but by the Light-gods, I will protect my second."

Too dangerous, but Garret was all for it. This was their best chance to keep their daughter safe, and they would take it.

"As far as we are concerned, the child I bore today was a male." Pandora looked at the baby. "His name is Emeriel. Emeriel Galilea Evenstone."


The neutral name meant 'Sky's Protection' in the old tongue. Garret liked it.

Fitting too, for their daughter would need all the luck and protection in the world.