"I agree," Garret spoke.
With the plan fully in his mind, Garret swore the two other men in the room to secrecy.
That night, Garrett and his wife stood by the baby’s small cradle, watching their newborn sleep. Across the room, their three-year-old daughter, Aekeira, lay curled under a blanket, her tiny chest rising and falling in a peaceful rhythm.
"In all my years on this earth, I’ve never seen anyone bear two female children, Garrett," Pandora whispered, voice cracking.
She glanced up at him, eyes glistening with tears. "I don’t know what this means for us... or for them."
Garrett placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Maybe it means they have a great destiny to fulfill."
"Or a great sorrow in their future," Pandora's eyes drifted to their eldest worriedly. "I’m so scared for them. How could something like this happen?"
“Perhaps you’ve been touched by the gods, my darling," Garrett said in comfort.
"I really doubt that. Why me? Why us?"
He had no answer to that.
"If that’s true—" Pandora sniffled, brushing her fingers over the baby’s soft cheek—"may that god always protect my babies. We won’t always be here to do that."
Garrett pulled his wife into his arms, holding her close, fighting to hide his own worry.
Because she was right.
What were the odds of a couple in these times bearing not just one, buttwodaughters?
None. Absolutely none.
As he gazed at their sleeping children, prayer rose in his heart.Whatever god you are, please... protect our angels.
Chapter one
Twenty-One Years Later
“He’s so pretty,” a voice murmured.
“It’s the feminine prince,” another one said.
The third man had lust in his eyes. “No man should have hair that gorgeous.”
Prince Emeriel ignored them all as he moved from the palace grounds into the building, head held high.
Just because he was used to the unwanted attention didn’t mean his skin was not crawling.
He might have lived as a boy all his life, but it didn’t exactly keep him all that safe. Men of Navia would stick their phallus in anything with a hole, especially if it looked remotely feminine.
But Emeriel’s senses were always on high alert. Which is why he was probably the only twenty-one-year-old virgin in Navia.
That, and his sister, Princess Aekeira, always did everything in her power to protect him. To make sure his secrets remained tightly hidden.
A carriage accident had taken their parents fifteen years ago, and King Orestus had adopted them. That tyrant made life a living hell for them.
Emeriel entered the hallway to Aekeira's chambers when he heard it.