"Lord Vladya, what are your thoughts?" Ottai looked to Lord VLadya.

"I do not care either way." Vladya opened the scroll a soldier had just brought in. Another soldier took it as his cue to approach quickly, carrying an inkpot and quill. Vladya took the quill, dipped it into the open inkpot, and began scribbling on the parchment. "Do as you wish."

"You see, even Lord Vladya is in agreement," Zaiper continued. "I mean, the male needs some downtime and fun. When was the last time he enjoyed himself? With his bloodhost bonded to another and heavy with child, he may not even be indulging in her body."

"Please do not tell me that you still mount Adissa," Ottai reproached Zaiper with a stern look.

“My bloodhost?” Zaiper smirked, crossing his arms. "What do you think?"

"She is bonded to another. She has two offspring." Ottai shook his head.

"And so? There is no law against it. Not like we can help it. It is difficult to be rational when one's body craves desperately," Zaiper drawled. "Besides, she practically begs for it."

"You get her drunk on pheromones; she does not have a choice,” Ottai admonished. “You can choose not to pump her full of your elixir while feeding from her."

"Mmm," Zaiper feigned pondering the idea before another smirk emerged. "And where is the fun in that?"

Ottai sighed deeply, resigned. "You are beyond redemption, Zaiper. You think only of yourself."

Zaiper dismissed him with a wave. "As for the upcoming presentation, we shall be holding two sessions. The first will take place at the banquet. It’s possible we won't be able to introduce all the slaves on that particular day. Therefore, the second introduction is scheduled to take place four nights after the initial presentation.”

Ottai shook his head. "Every year, we lose what remains of our soul. We, the grand lords, should be striving to unite our people, to set them on the right path again instead of remaining in the depths of our despair. Daemonikai will not be pleased with what has become of us."

Vladya's elegant hand, moving rhythmically against the scroll, paused. He did not look up or acknowledge Ottai's statement, but his hand remained still for several long seconds before he resumed his scribbling.

Meanwhile, Zaiper waved Ottai's concerns away. "Well, it is unfortunate the grand king is dead, but the living must move on. There is absolutely nothing wrong with our lives now. This is the way our people were always meant to live.”

Ottai stared at him.

“The humans are not only evil; they are beneath us. They will serve us for all eternity.” He smirked. “I eagerly anticipate this presentation." Grand Lord Zaiper's eyes gleamed. "There is a particular slave I am interested in."

"Let me guess, the human royals we brought in? The siblings?" Ottai questioned.

"You guessed right, Ottai. The boy is quite attractive, but the girl... she is a sight to behold when she is unclothed."

Vladya stiffened, anger coursing through him at the remark. "Not the girl," he blurted out, regretting his words the instant they left his lips.

Ottai and Zaiper looked surprised, but they were not half as shocked as Vladya himself.

"You are interested in the human girl? You?" Ottai exclaimed.

"I am not," Vladya stated calmly, relieved that his voice remained composed. He resumed his scribbling. "She belongs to the feral."

"Nonsense. Matters like that do not concern you. I have had nearly every slave, every maiden you have been with, and you have never batted an eyelash." Zaiper's gaze grew more penetrating, suspicious. "Is this girl different? Do you want her?"

Vladya would sooner sever his own arm.

He signaled to the soldier, who stepped forward and took the scroll from him. Rising from his throne, he approached Zaiper and stopped in front of him. "If you ever speak of this again, you will not like the way I respond."

The second ruler's face turned wary, clearing his throat. "There is no need to get so serious. Fine, you do not have an interest in the girl. That's a good thing for me, as I am considering having either her or the boy. So, let's not dwell on it. No need to get all... like that."

Ottai stared at Vladya, puzzled, but Vladya ignored him, returning to his throne and lowering himself onto it once more.

An awkward silence hung in the air.

"Anyway, let us discuss the preparations," Lord Ottai finally broke the tension.

After the meeting, Grand Lord Vladya's mood grew darker as he made his way to the forbidden chambers. Turning the cornerinto the corridor, his legs abruptly halted. Trays filled with empty plates lined the wall, meticulously arranged.