They locked eyes, a tense silence enveloping them.

Then, unexpectedly, the beast crouched down on the floor, sitting. Waiting.

A wave of relief washed over Emeriel, but he still moved to leave.

A low rumble from the beast stopped him in his tracks. Helplessly, he remained where he stood, unsure of what to do.

In the end, he cautiously lowered himself back to the floor, watching for any reaction from the creature. To his relief, it did nothing.

That has to be a good sign, right?

"Look, I know I have angered you. I invaded your privacy, but..." Emeriel paused, realizing the beast was staring pointedly at the food in his hands.

Shit. Of course, I shouldn’t have picked up the plate.

Driven by some unknown force, Emeriel stood up, his legs moving on their own accord, carrying him closer to the beast.

"Would you like to eat?" he offered, tossing the steak toward it.

The feral creature eyed the steak, then glanced at Emeriel, before he lowered his head, taking a bite.

Surprised, Emeriel threw another piece of meat. And then another.

The beast devoured them all, and a surge of pleasure shot through Emeriel.

Before he knew it, he was feeding the beast.

"I was beginning to think you had fallen victim to some strange ailment that hinders your ability to attend to court matters," Lord Zaiper remarked, casually withdrawing his dick from the girl lying on the table. Turning her body around, he thrust back inside.

"I have been occupied." Lord Vladya briefly glanced at Zaiper's actions, pursed his lips, shook his head, then proceeded toward his throne. "You are disgusting."

"Don't take your foul mood out on me this fine morning," Zaiper smirked wolfishly. "I was craving something different."

"Do you fuck dead bodies now?"

"She isn't dead. Just drugged into sleep. I've been craving them motionless for a while now. You know, to add a touch of excitement. And I never deny myself what I crave."

"Where is Lord Ottai?"

Zaiper pumped his hips repeatedly and smacked the girl's buttocks, letting out a groan of pleasure. "I have no idea. He is running late. Probably getting some from Morina."

"Don't you tire of sex, Zaiper? Unlike others who occasionally take breaks, you have been incessantly engaging in it for the past four millennia."

Thrust. "One does not grow weary of one of life's greatest pleasures, Lord Vladya.” Thrust. Thrust. “Not when there is such an array of choices available. I can never understand individuals like you who desire bondmates, or those like Ottai who have remained bonded for centuries. I would rather have variety than stick to one."

At that moment, the door swung open and Grand Lord Ottai entered the chamber. "What did I miss?" His gaze fell upon Zaiper, and he scowled. "Too early for these antics, Lord Zaiper. Are you now engaging in necrophilia?"

Zaiper rolled his eyes. After a few more thrusts, he climaxed into the motionless body. He cleaned himself and signaled for one of the guards to remove the slave. Then, he straightened his attire and made his way to his own throne.

"Very well, gentlemen,” Zaiper said. “Now that the tardy ones have joined us, let us commence the day.

"With The Banquet only being three days away, I propose that on that day, we have a presentation of a new slave," declared Grand Lord Zaiper.

"Must there be a presentation? I do not fancy that ceremony at all," Grand Lord Ottai replied, seeking support from the third ruler.

However, Grand Lord Vladya appeared utterly bored, completely uninterested.

"Why? Our people need all the happiness they can get. The Lords love that ritual, and most of them eagerly anticipate it. There is no good reason to forgo that ceremony," Zaiper insisted.