The same spot Emeriel held her before they parted ways.

A loud snarl echoed behind Aekeira.

Then, he mounted Aekeira, forcefully thrusting inside her.

She screamed in agony as the large beast ravaged her mercilessly. Mindlessly.

The pain was excruciating, unlike anything she had ever endured.

Her screams reverberated through the silence, shaking the walls.

The beast continued to sniff her arm, groaning and snarling. It wanted more of that scent. Annoyed, it couldn’t get more...!

Its pace was inhuman, fast and forceful, as if it wanted to penetrate Aekeira's very soul.

"Please!!!" she screamed, overwhelmed.

Her small body felt completely consumed by him. He truly was a beast.

She could feel the hard scales against her skin. Limbs like tree trunks. Talons as sharp as daggers.

She feared they would cut into her, given how tightly the beast held her.

Oh, divine gods, I’m going to die!

Chapter three


Slave Amie did her best to ignore the screams.

They always made her uncomfortable, reminding her of the sickening things the slavemasters do to her at the barn.

She simply needed to pick up the bathing oil she had forgotten after running a bath for Princess Aekeira.

Approaching the quarters, she heard muffled cries, filled with agony.

The cries grew louder as she drew closer. Amie quickened her pace, following the sound until she reached the end of the hallway.

She stood outside the closed door of Princess Aekeira's chambers. Isn’t Prince Emeriel the only person in there?

Amie opened the door and entered the room.

A female figure lay on the bed, facing away from her, writhing in pain, completely naked. The figure convulsed and let out a loud sob.

"A-are you alright?" Amie's voice trembled softly as she approached the figure on the bed.

Only whimpering sounds answered her.

Amie moved closer to the front of the figure and froze.

"Prince Emeriel?" Amie couldn't believe her eyes.

She blinked hard to clear her vision. Perhaps cleaning the whole floor of the westside yesterday with barely any break in between had been a bad idea.I’m definitely seeing things.

But even after the third blink, the figure didn't change. It was still Prince Emeriel... as a girl.

A girl.