"Don't do it," he pleaded, shaking his head vehemently.
Aekeira did not turn to look at him as she gently pulled her hand away and continued forward.
Back at their chambers, Emeriel began to pace.
He scratched his arm, feeling restless and irritable.
All he wanted was for his sister to remain alive until the next day.
Whether she was wounded or in pain, it didn’t matter as long as she was alive. It might have been selfish of him, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
But as he paced, Emeriel felt really,reallystrange.
Hot. So hot.
As if he was burning from the inside.
The forbidden chambers were engulfed in pitch-black darkness. Unable to see anything, Princess Aekeira's fear skyrocketed.
But she could sense she was not alone.Something was watching her.
Goosebumps spread across her body.
With trembling hands, Aekeira began to undress. The Urekai possessed exceptional night vision, so she was certain this beast could see her clearly.
Present to the beast. You might be able to survive if you present well.
Naked, she fell to her knees, her body trembling. She lowered her upper-body until her shoulder pressed against the cool floor, spreading her knees wide open to expose her privates fully.
Don’t present your anus.The older woman had instructed her as she poured copious amounts of liquid as lubrication into Aekeira's intimate area.
There is no consciousness within the beast. Only sex, bloodfeeding, and killing.
Aekeira let out a long breath trying to still her shaking body.
He won't bloodfeed from you, his bloodhost came yesterday.
Carefully, Aekeira avoided touching her buttocks. Instead, she grasped just beyond them, reaching for her vaginal folds, spreading them apart as much as her position allowed.
A growl rumbled from the dark room.
Aekeira cried out, startled. It sounded much closer than she expected...!
Trembling like a leaf, she stared ahead into the darkness, awaiting the inevitable.
The position she held was uncomfortable, but Livia had instructed her to maintain it for as long as possible.
A large hand rested on her small hip. The shadow was enormous... a towering figure hovering behind her.
Aekeira held her breath, beyond terrified.
The beast sniffed her. Then stilled.
Took another sniff.
Its growl intensified… as if it had caught another scent?
Before Aekeira could think about it, the beast pressed its cold nose at her arm and inhaled deeply.