I can’t think with his mouth writing a sonnet on my skin. My brain shuts down so that I can only feel, and my body screams out for his touch. For more. For everything.
“Fuck me, Bennett,” I say on a moan. I push him down and straddle his waist in one movement. “Let’s do it. Let’s fuck. And if you get attached, you’ll just have to deal with it.”
He grips the hem of my sweater and raises it as far as he can, but he isn’t fast enough. I need to be nakedright now,before I can change my mind. I hop off his lap and strip off my clothes as he hurries to remove his shirt.
“What if you’re the one who falls?” he asks as he takes in my naked body with unrestrained lust in his blue eyes. “What do we do when you can’t get enough of me?”
I climb onto his lap again, grinding my bare pussy over his jeans. “You don’t have to worry about that. You’re too chaotic for me.”
He pulls me down and sucks my left nipple into his mouth. Pleasure pulses through my pussy as he nibbles the sensitive nub.
“You don’t have to worry either,” he whispers against my breast before pulling me down and blindly pawing with his hands. “You’re too high maintenance for me.”
“You’re too immature,” I moan as he squeezes my breast and sucks my nipple until pain wells to the surface.
I pull away from his mouth and slide down his abs, licking each ridge on my way to his waistband.
Bennett groans and places his hand on the crown of my head. “And you’re fucking obnoxious.”
With a smile, I nip his skin, and his body jerks. “You’re arrogant as fuck.”
“Youringenueact pisses me off.”
I unzip his pants, then lower them and his boxers, revealing his thick cock. When I get to his feet, his boots stop my progress. “You have no manners.”
He sits up and struggles to unlace his boots. The thin laces tangle and knot together. With a grunt, he wrenches them off, nearly taking his feet with them. The pants and boxers follow, and he tosses everything to the floor.
“You’re the antithesis of suave,” I say.
“Hey, it was my turn.” He grips my shoulders and pushes my back onto the bed, putting himself back in control. “You’re too fucking pretty.”
“That’s not a burn. That’s a compliment.” I shiver as he situates himself between my legs and looks down at me.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
I nod because I can’t bring myself to say yes. This is a terrible idea, and I still have time to change my mind, but my pussy is a wanton, thirsty bitch, and his cock is a tall, fat drink of water.
Drown me.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” He climbs off the bed and goes for his pants. As he digs around in the pockets, I hear the crinkle of plastic. He brought a fucking condom, which means heknewI’d give it up. Am I really so predictable?
But as he approaches the bed again, I see that it isn’t a condom at all. It’s another giant peppermint stick like the one I deep-throated down in the rec room.
I’m not really one who finds that sex and food make a good pairing, but the honey situation was pretty fucking hot. Maybe if I can take off my Judgmental Janice glasses for a moment, I can try something new.
He slides his hips between my legs again, then lowers the long red-and-white stick toward my face. “I want to see you suck it again.”
That . . . wasn’t where I thought this was going, but okay.
I part my lips and look up at him as he slides the peppermint stick onto my tongue. He pushes it in and out of my mouth, gently guiding it over my tastebuds. With each inward breath, a cool, minty rush coats my lungs.
Then I feel it. His cock. Rubbing against my slit.
I close my eyes and moan around a mouthful of peppermint. This is so wrong, but fuck, I can’t stop myself. I want this. I wanthim.
He pulls the girthy stick from my mouth and leans back so he can drag it through my slit. “Fuck, your pussy looks good enough to eat.”
I spread my legs.