“Oh, is that what you want,kitten?”
I bite my lip and nod, anticipating the sweet heat of his tongue on my clit, but as he pulls the peppermint candy away, I question if I answered correctly. Bennett isn’t exactly known for giving me what I want. I probably should have said no so that he would see it as a challenge.
But the man continues to be full of surprises. He drops to his stomach and drags his tongue up the length of my pussy. I shudder and let out a whimper in response.
“You’re so wet, and I’ve hardly gotten started.” He dives between my legs again, lapping and licking and teasing me until I ache.
“Please make me come,” I beg.
“I will, but I’m not done with you just yet.”
Something unyielding presses against my opening, and I don’t need to look down to see what he’s planning to slide inside me. It’s that peppermint stick, and he’s about to turn my insides into a winter wonderland.
I tilt my hips, essentially giving him permission. Because that’s what his hesitation feels like. A question.Is this okay? Areyouokay?It’s so unlike him, and it makes me feel...special.
With his answer secured, he slips the peppermint stick into my pussy as he lowers his hungry mouth to my clit. While easing the stick in and out to slicken the candy, he sucks and licks me until my thighs begin to quiver. The peppermint creates a simultaneous cooling and warming sensation inside me, and I’m right on the verge of an amazing orgasm.
“Hey, Cat? Are you coming to lunch?” Kindra says...just outside my fucking door.
I freeze.
Bennett freezes.
Even my orgasm hovers at the edge and waits for what will happen next.
“Can I come in?” she adds.
“Just a second!” I shout. “I’m...uh, I’m in the middle of something.”
I look down at Bennett, and he shakes his head, which is still situated between my legs. His chin scruff brushes over my pussy lips and sends a pleasurable sensation crawling along my spine.
“N-no! No! Don’t come in! I’m . . . masturbating.”
“Oh...okay, well, come to lunch when you’re finished, I guess. But remember to wash your hands!”
“Okay, I’ll be down soon!”
Bennett and I look at each other before we both relax and breathe a sigh of relief as the sound of her footsteps fades down the hall. I go to sit up, figuring the moment is ruined, but he grips my thighs and holds me in place.
“We aren’t leaving this room until we fuck and get this out of our systems,” he says. “No more interruptions. No more excuses. You’ll go to lunch with my come inside you, and that’s that, understood?”
I look down at his face between my thighs. This isn’t like moments ago when he asked a question. This is a demand, and my answer has no weight.
But I answer with a nod anyway.
“Good girl,” he growls before creating a vacuum seal between his mouth and my clit.
My head tips back, and I see stars. Sensation rushes between my legs again, as if we weren’t just put on hold. He drives the peppermint stick into me in time with his suction, and I’m about to come.
He senses this and growls against my mound, creating a pleasurable vibration that rockets me over the edge. I grip the pillows behind my head and grit my teeth so that I don’t cry out. Jim spared no expense on the mansion, but the walls are paper thin. If I open my mouth and sing Bennett’s praises for the Lord’s work he’s doing between my legs, everyone in the dining hall will hear me.
I swallow each moan until I’m filled with pleasure. When I can’t possibly take another gulp, I push his head away.
“Fuck, you really are an ace at that,” I moan. I can’t remember the last time I felt this relaxed.
He pulls the peppermint stick out of me, and I’ve never been so empty. But I don’t feel that way for very long, because something else just as hard and unyielding andthickpresses against me now.