Page 3 of Broken Dreams

As I take a step back down a stair to begin my descent, I notice the way she rubs her stomach. Eyes narrowing, I turn away to be able to concentrate. Even then, I fucking trip on the last step.

“What’s your deal?” Duncan hisses. “What did you see?”

Being the baby brother by eleven months means I can’t keep a secret from him. He knows all of my tells, and if you asked him, he’d say that I’m acting twitchy, even though my face isn’t betraying a single thought.

“Something is up with Adira,” I mutter. “She has a very limited window to tell us before I blow her secret, if it is one.”

“She’s all over the place,” he agrees. Glancing over his shoulder as Pack Dresmond and Adira follow us down, he sighs. “Give her a chance to tell us why she’s off today.”

Nodding, I walk to the beautiful, open kitchen with a large island where we’ll cut the cake. Duncan opens the fridge and pulls out the cake, already comfortable with where everything is. Anything to get things moving so we can find out what Adira is keeping from us.

Neither of us are very comfortable with secrets, even small ones when it comes to her.

Adira is biting her lip as she comes into the kitchen, a clear sign of anxiety.

“Hey you,” I say easily, reaching over to grab her around the waist and pull her toward me.

Jed rolls his eyes but doesn’t say a word, used to my antics. Adira Firestone is part of me, and they know that.

My lips are pressed against the shell of her ear as I whisper, “What secrets are you keeping from us?”

Flinching in surprise, she looks at me. “I’m trying to figure out how to tell everyone,” she says, her lips barely moving.

Ha, I fucking knew it.Now that I know my instincts are right, I’ll manage to keep quiet for a little longer.

“I’m not a patient man,” I remind her.

“What’s going on?” Jed asks, brow raised. “You feel weird."

Since they’re all packed up, it’ll be harder to keep strong emotions from them. I’m surprised she’s been able to keep it under wraps this long.

“Fuck,” Adira mutters as the cake is placed in front of her and Damon puts a single candle in it, unlit. “Before we light this, I need to tell you all something.”

“Secrets, Little Rabbit?” Kane asks interestedly, leaning against the island.

“So much big alpha dick energy,” she sighs, shaking her head.

Smirking, Morris walks over to steal her away from me, his hand cupping the back of her head.

“They’re just picking up on your nervous energy,” he says, dropping a kiss gently on her lips. “You know how they all are. Rip the bandage off, baby girl.”

I’m glad Morris got his shit together for her. While he fucked up, wallowing in his guilt was selfish. Adira needs him to help her tone down our “alpha bullshit.”

I may really combust though if she doesn’t tell us what’s going on. Is she sick? Did something bad happen? Is it a good thing?

I fucking need to know.

Duncan cuffs me over the back of the head to settle the fuck down, and Adira chuckles lightly as she turns to face us.

“I just found out this morning, and I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it,” she explains. “I also haven’t really stopped moving long enough to tell anyone.”

“What is it?” Jed insists, his dark gaze stormy as he lasers in on her.

Every eye is on her, but I can’t bring myself to diffuse the intense energy in the room.Tell us.

“I took a test this morning,” Adira says, her arms wrapped protectively around her waist.

Damon is gazing at her arms, swallowing hard as he waits for her to get to her verbal destination. As much as we want to rush her, I know we can’t. I hate waiting.