There are so many little things that Duncan and I can’t ignore when it comes to the little omega. She’s to be protected at all costs, her happiness as important as if she were ours. Sometimes, people come into our lives and we immediately know they’re our soulmate, just not one we want to fuck.
That’s who Adira is for my brother and I.
“Yeah,” I say finally. “Got lost in my memories for a while is all. Knowing Quinn is definitely out there is fucking with my head a bit.”
Duncan sighs as he nods. Adira managed to get information about her from a very bad man who tried to use Quinn against us. It didn’t quite go the way he thought it would. Threats rarely seem to.
“I get it,” he mutters. “We have a direction to run in now. We’ll find her. We may need to do some shady shit, but I’m not too worried.”
“You mean pretend we’re interested in finding a sex club where anything goes?” I ask, rolling my eyes as I stand and stretch. “It’s almost cliche enough to work.”
“It worked when we bought Adira,” he reminds me, smirking. “We’re two alphas without an omega who are known to be fuck boys.”
“I haven’t fucked anything but my hand in way too long,” I groan.
“That’s because Adira is the one people thought we were fucking,” Duncan chuckles. “Let’s go. I want to see her face when she sees her present.”
That gets my ass moving because I want the same. We helped her guys with her nest, because we know her the best. It really was a pleasure to do as well. Adira’s new house needed a recording booth, and we were happy to help.
She’s an omega of many talents, her voice a reminder of strength for those who care to listen.
The drive to Adira’s new house helps me pull myself together. We still live further away than I’d like, though it’s closer to the university and the city. Adira and her pack are creating the house of their dreams, one that can also be defended well if needed.
Driving through the front gate and up the drive to the house makes me smile. This is the perfect place for her to grow with her pack. None of them are sane, nor seem interested in toning down their crazy. Adira is so indulgent, I think she likes Kane’s voices and Damon’s demons. Even Jed isn’t any less domineering, he is merely more inclined to listen when Adira speaks now.
It’s all about balance, and she holds their leashes. As long as she’s happy, then I’m happy for her.
Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I walk up to the front door with Duncan.
“Kane says the front door should be open, and to head up to the attic,” he murmurs.
“For such protective assholes, they share her with us well,” I say, following him inside.
“They don’t really have a choice,” my brother reminds me, closing the door behind himself and locking it.
Now that we’re here, the possible security breach isn’t needed.
Pulling my hands from my pockets, I jog up the stairs silently with Duncan on my heels. Now that I’m here, I’m excited to seeAdira. I’m very adept at compartmentalizing my emotions, as is my brother.
Living in sadness isn’t the best use of our energy, though there’s a tendril of hope now that I know she could be alive. I’ll hold onto that for now.
There are voices up in Adira’s nest, pulling a smile from me. She sounds excited as she looks around. Peeking in, I notice the exact moment her jaw drops as she sees the closet booth Duncan and I built her.
“That’s a combined project,” I tell her, grinning as she glances between myself and the closet. There’s a wide eyed wonder in her gaze, one I enjoy putting there.
She’s not used to people wanting to take care of her. The booth is therapy as much as it is a way for her to communicate with others. Her podcast is important. Adira shouldn’t have to be limited in when she’s able to record.
“It’s an audio recording booth!” she squeals. “Oh my God.”
“We talked about it,” Morris reminds her with a chuckle. “However, I don’t know the first thing about it, and the Kelly brothers are the experts.”
“We didn’t touch a thing outside of that corner, Short Stuff,” Duncan says beside me on the stairs. An omega’s nest is sacred, and we don’t want to fuck up the scents inside. We made sure to air out the room once we finished building the audio booth.
“It’s perfect,” she breathes. Adira sounds as if she’s going to cry, her voice clogged with unshed tears.
I have a feeling there’s something going on, because her emotions feel larger than what I’d expect, since it’s her birthday and we’re spoiling her with gifts. Glancing at Duncan, he inclines his head at me as if confirming my suspicions. I wonder what Adira isn’t saying.
“Let’s go eat and have cake, beautiful,” Jed says as he pulls her to him for a hug. “We have so many things to celebrate.”