Page 204 of Broken Dreams

“I think someone promised electricity,” she says.

Adira bites her lip, watching as the cable plug is added to the battery.

“I wonder what the other one will do if connected to his dick,” she muses.

“He always has gloves somewhere,” Quinn says, rooting through the different well organized drawers before she finds some.

“I’ll do it,” Duncan says, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Your hands aren’t going anywhere near his micropenis.”

“Maybe try his knot if it’s as wrinkled as I imagine it to be,” I suggest.

Duncan snorts in amusement as he takes the gloves from Quinn, yanking Miles' pants upward since the alpha is upside down again. His cock is shriveled, though it may be because of the trauma. His knot has just enough tissue to hold the clamp as Duncan puts it on him. The screech of pain from Miles is a little dramatic, if you ask me.

“Come have some fun before we turn on the electricity, Quinnie,” Callum says. “The old fart may have a heart attack and kick the bucket when we start.”

Finding knives in another compartment of drawers, I shake my head that he has them. There’s a cruel set of darts that I think Quinn will prefer, though.

“Darts or knives?” I ask her.

Linus chuckles under his breath. “I told her once about my one and only time that I went to a college bar. I played darts by myself the whole time, and there was the most beautiful smile on her face while I told her that story,” he says. “Quinn, let’s play darts?”

The smile she gives him pushes away the darkness. It’s carefree and happy as she remembers that moment. I think Linus may be right, even though I felt so angry and surprised by his sentiment earlier when he said that he wouldn’t changeanything because it means that it could have changed the important parts as well.

Handing out darts, I watch as my omegas throw them. It’s even more fun when others try to give them pointers. It takes the edge off the macabre nature of the night, and becomes a bonding activity. Kane and Damon make their way downstairs, declaring the house cleared and the bodies piled up.

They both chuckle as they watch Quinn and Linus, all while Miles screams.

“I’ll give you all of my money. Please! Stop, ow. Fuck!” he cries out to deaf ears.

“We already have your money,” Callum murmurs, checking his phone. “It’s funneling quite nicely, actually.”

“We don’t need to be subtle anymore,” Morris grunts. “Drain it all.”

Callum hits a few buttons, shrugging. “Done. You have nothing that we want, old man. Except those ugly screams.”

I expect that if we could see his face it would be red, blotchy, and angry. It’s nice that he’s nothing more than a target for my girl’s fury. She can finish this part of her healing journey and bury it too.

“Can I have a dagger, Christian?” she asks me.

Nodding, I hand her one, watching as she walks over and pulls out the sharp darts.

“This is for all the children you’ve done this to,” she mutters, stabbing the dagger deep into his side. “This is for Traci. You ruined her, hurt her to the point that she believed you were her god.”

Systematically, she continues to stab Miles, until tears stream down her face. Her chest heaves with emotions as she purges them, gasping for breath.

“Do it,” she whispers, picking up the bucket and upending it over his head.

Quinn steps away until she’s no longer standing in the water, and Duncan turns on the battery. Together, we stand and watch for those who are no longer here or have been sold.

Linus holds Quinn tightly as she sobs, watching as Miles’ knot electrocutes him. It feels like karma is smiling on us as his heart finally fails him. It’s never the electrocution that gets you, it’s the way it fucks with the rest of your body.

“I think it’s time to go,” Kane says softly, leaning down to turn off the car battery. “This house has more than enough ghosts in it.”

Quinn gasps in a breath, nodding as she slowly stops crying as we all leave the basement. The wheel, buckets of water, and all of the torture implements are just a small piece of what went on there I think.

Kane pulls out his phone, holding it in his hand as we leave the house and walk through the woods.

“Almost far enough,” he mutters as we continue, glancing over his shoulder.