Page 203 of Broken Dreams

“No, you’re never going to touch that girl again,” I say to him. “Your guards are dead, Miles. Just like you’re going to be.”

Pulling the firearm at my back, I watch him and the girl as the rest of Pack Dresmond files into the room with my pack.

“You’re just a silly little girl,” Miles says. “I broke you, took your voice, and then threw you away. Traci, you know what to do.”

Heart pounding, I glance back at her, gasping as a bullet hits her head. She was pulling her own weapon from under the desk, fully under his control. God, she was never going to have a chance. Angry, I shoot Miles in the shoulder, watching as Jed ensures the girl is dead, and Duncan pulls Miles away from his desk.

There’s no damn way he’s getting an easy death.

“What was she, twelve?” I ask, snarling as I follow Duncan and Miles out of the room.

“Why wait when it’s such a pain in the ass to train them?” the alpha asks with a pained smirk. “You remember how sad I was when I had to sell you.”

The wave of memories threatens to pull me under now that I’m here, and Christian grabs my hand to help ground me.

“Breathe, Quinn. Think about all the things you’re going to do to him. You’re free, and he has no power over you,” he reminds me.

“That poor girl couldn’t have been saved,” Adira adds, having a feeling that’s what bothers me. I was never a mindless toy the way that Traci clearly was.

I just wanted to survive it all so I could possibly have a better life. And I did.

“It’s so unfair,” I breathe as we go down to the basement. Miles had a special playroom in his other house. We’re going to see if he has one here as well.

Sick fucks rarely change their stripes, they just lean into their depravity.



This is the hell that Quinn doesn’t speak about. Alpha Miles is a large man at three hundred pounds and almost seventy years old. The bastard is strong, but Duncan isn’t fucking around. When he tried to fight him on the stairs, Duncan shoved him down.

Quinn laughed when Miles clearly broke and snapped a few bones as he rolled and bounced down to the bottom of the stairs, screaming pathetically. Everyone is on edge as they watch this incredibly strong girl walk after the predator who has now found himself switching places with his victim.

“Still predictable,” she murmurs as Jed and Morris yank him up now that he’s broken a hip. It’s cliched in a way, but also amusing that this is how he’s leaving the world. “I wonder if you’d be able to get him strapped to his wheel?”

The wheel in question is huge, with places for someone’s arms and legs to be strapped in. There’s also giant buckets by the ground, and they appear recently used. Water torture maybe?

“What is this used for?” I ask, almost to myself.

“This past time? Definitely some sort of water torture,” Jed says. I walk over to help them get him strapped to the wheel. Water just means it’s easier to electrocute the bastard.

“Water, electricity, or knives,mi amor?” I ask her. No one blinks as they wait for her answer.

It’s as simple as ordering food, maybe even more so.

“Electricity,” she decides. Quinn doesn’t tell me why, making me wonder if he hurt her in ways that involved that too. “There should be cable plugs around here and a battery.”

“Sick son of a bitch,” Callum says, beginning the search. Putting a hood over Miles’ head, I watch as Duncan pulls hard on the wheel to make it spin.

“Stop the wheel,” Quinn says dully, ignoring his screams. His body is upside down, and she grabs a large bucket. Linus moves quickly to help her hold it, submerging Miles’ head inside.

I’m breathing hard as I watch his body spasm in an effort to get a breath, but all there is is water. No oxygen, no mercy. He won’t fucking find it.

It’s been a while since I’ve tortured someone, but it’s never bothered me. Water shit gets under my skin a little because I almost drowned in a bathtub as a kid when my mother walked away and I slipped under. I can get past it, though, for the honor of watching Miles writhe and shudder.

Linus and Quinn move the bucket to the ground, stepping away as Miles hangs upside down and gasps in breaths. Quinn nods at Jed who is standing by the handle to spin the wheel and he lifts up before yanking it down. Miles is disoriented, the wet hood making things even worse as he screams.

“It’s really too bad mercy took a vacation,” I purr, making Quinn smirk.