“What?” Linus asks, grabbing towels to help me dry off.
“I just realized that we have a home,”I say through our bond. “I don’t know why it hit me so hard.”
“Because it’s a big deal,” he says, lifting me to stand on the fuzzy bathroom rug.
I could help him, but my arms are pinned to my sides as he rubs the towel over my skin. I may as well just enjoy it.
“We never knew where we’d be going next,” Linus says, moving on to dry himself off. “We’ve been in Minnesota for a month and a half. That’s the longest we’ve been anywhere in ten years for me and sixteen for you.”
I nod because during the time I was with Alpha Miles, I never left his home. I remember many times wishing he’d just kill and bury me in his expansive backyard. I’m happy I’m alive to enjoy the rest of my life now, but back then everything was buried under a haze of terror, shame, and sadness.
“We’re looking to the future,” he murmurs in my ear, his hand on my back to direct me into our bedroom. “That includes making you even more beautiful than you already are.”
Linus is a charmer, but he’s right. The future is going to treat us well, even with the current dangers in it. Opening our closet, I gaze at the black sheath gown hanging up. It’s backless with a high leg slit, perfect for hiding all of my weapons.
Let’s step into the future, baby. Please be good to us.
Quinn’s small hand is on my arm as we walk together around the party, her smile arranged just so. I hate these things just as much as she does. I know the security is solid, the valet is full of mafia college students who are armed and watching for anyone who shouldn’t be here.
They all grew up in the families and in this community. Someone who shouldn’t be here is going to stick out like a sore thumb to them. Every person here is acting as an extra layer of protection tonight.
Still, I’m on edge. Quinn hasn’t been herself in two fucking days, and I want to chain Christian to the floor at our omega’s feet so he can figure this out with her. I can feel this hole that she has in her heart and I want to fix it.
There’s no ignoring the fucker now they’ve officially scent matched. She’ll always look for him. That’s just the way biology works.
My hand covers Quinn’s as we stop in front of Cian, and I feel her draw herself up as tall as possible. She bottles everything up, gives him an automatic smile and says, “Hello, Cian.”
She refused to bring the tablet, saying it was too bulky. I think she’s trying not to rely on it more than she needs to as she pushes herself to use her voice. It’s not more than a few words, but it’s something.
Cian turns to face her, taking a sharp breath as he does. His eyes take in the perfectly done makeup, her curled and pinned bun, and tries to find the signs of how she’s truly doing. Quinn isn’t giving him anything. Purring low in my chest to offer her comfort as I move to stand behind her, I raise my brow at him.
“Hello, Quinn,” Cian says stiffly. He doesn’t know how to fix what he broke and is struggling. “You look beautiful. Have you seen Duncan’s grandmother yet?”
She shakes her head, confused by the question. I don’t know what he’s up to. I’ve been walking through the ballroom introducing her and mingling. I didn’t even know my grandmother had arrived as I haven’t seen her yet.
“Let’s go say hello,” he murmurs, offering her his arm. She only hesitates for a moment before taking it, and I follow as they walk.
I usually wouldn’t think twice about leaving her with him, but he’s proven that he doesn’t always pay attention to her best interests.
“I’m sorry,” he says under his breath as we walk. “I didn’t think that meeting through, nor the repercussions of seeing Christian.”
“Old man, I don’t give a fuck how scary you are, I will stab you and leave you dead if you make my girl cry,” I say conversationally.
“I would probably let you,” he mutters. “I fucked up, and I’ve been worried about her.”
“I’m fine,” Quinn says, but it’s a muffled squeak.
“Fuck,” I growl.
“Okay, none of that,” Cian sighs. “We’re going to see Diedre. She’s in the courtyard and mentioned that she wanted to see you. So let's take a walk.”
As we get closer and walk out of the ballroom, I see my grandmother. I removed the pole earlier today after Linus finished practicing, but left the carabiner hooked to the steel frame overlooking the courtyard. Grandma Diedre is looking up at it with a secret smile, and I can only imagine what she’s imagining.
Sex swing, I’m sure.
“Hello, grandmother,” I greet, grinning at her. “I don’t believe you’ve had a chance to see Quinn yet.”