I don’t blame him. The dark gray sheets, bright sweatshirts laying on top from our alphas as if in decoration, and the new cream curtains around the bed works. If our heats are going to be off kilter for the rest of our lives, maybe destiny will also allow that they won’t fall on the same time too.
Duncan and Callum’s dicks may fall off otherwise from overuse.
The thought makes me smirk as I wrap my arms around Linus’ waist and kiss his shoulder. I wouldn’t want to be on this crazy train with anyone else. That’s for damn sure.
“Now that I don’t feel as if I’m losing my mind, let’s get you ready for tonight,” Linus says.
“I need to make sure I can tempt you both with food before I take Linus to work,” Callum grunts. I love that he’s obsessed with taking care of us.
I know I could use some food now that I’m rising from the ashes of my two day slump. My stomach grumbles and Callum huffs out a laugh as he leaves. While there is a caterer coming in for the party, I’ll probably be too nervous to eat later.
My father will definitely be here, and there’s a lot of logistics involved to make everything run smoothly.
As Linus drags me to the shower to get ready, I recognize how many balls are going to be up in the air.
“Breathe, baby,” Linus murmurs as he shampoos my hair. “Callum is going to take me to work, and Augustine and Cerenity are driving me home. The club’s manager is going to close since the bosses need to be here tonight with their pack. You’re going to be incredible, I know it.”
A party means people will want to talk to me. I grew up with a lot of the younger generation that’ll be at the party, while others I won’t know at all. The idea of it all is overwhelming.
“Someone will be with you at all times,” Linus adds. “Duncan, Callum, your mom. Ah?—”
Adira or Cian. That’s been the plan, anyway. People that I trust helping me move through the night. Fuck.
“I know,” I murmur. His strong fingers work through my curls as he rinses out the conditioner.
Picking up the body wash, he puts some in my hands and gives me a natural loofa to scrub with. He does the same for himself, and I get busy washing my body.
A part of me believes that Adira didn’t know that Christian would be at the meeting. Another realizes that Cian is a closet romantic. I’ve heard stories about how he lost his scent match because she didn’t want to raise their daughter in the mafia. Maybe he thought he was helping?
As my heart thumps with every tumbled thought, I sigh. Here’s to being a big girl and doing what needs to be done.
“You’re already psyching yourself up to see them, aren’t you?” Linus asks with a smirk. “I know that look. It’s what you’d do whenever you had to see a client you didn’t want to.”
God, he knows me so damn well.
“I…” It’s jumbled and complicated, and it's like my brain and mouth don’t want to communicate with each other. “Fuck.”
“Damn, it's so sexy when you curse, Quinn,” he growls, wrapping his hand loosely around my throat as he kisses me. I love the way he’s so confident now when he touches me.
I imagine a world with this Linus walking around it, moaning. Callum and Duncan pulled some strings so he could start school in a few weeks. I don’t know how since he didn’t have time to apply, but I’ve learned to ask less questions from my alphas.
They just make shit happen.
Linus’ credits still work from ten years ago, but he’ll need a graduate degree to stay competitive in his field. When the University of Lyons said that they are committed to opening doors for their community, they mean it.
“No time,” I whimper against his lips. I would love to get lost in his arms, lips, and on his dick, but I can feel the passage of time ticking by.
I feel as if I’ll blink and people will be walking through the door for the party.
There will soon be caterers, security, and valet to help park cars, and I can feel the urgency to finish getting ready.
“Ugh, I’m going to find you when I get home and drag you into a closet to fuck you, Baby Girl,” Linus groans. “My cock hurts.”
I can’t help it. I find myself snickering as my best friend shuts off the water and sticks his tongue out at me. I’m equal parts turned on and tickled with amusement at his words.
If his heat hits when he gets home, I’ll gladly kick everyone else out and let him drag me to our damn nest. It’s our house.