I see arguing with her is useless, so I open my bag and take my shoes out. Stepping into the room with her, I peel off my jogging suit and then place on my pointe shoes.

When I stand and move to the center of the room, the instructor gives me a smile and starts the music. I move into position just like I’ve watched the others do countless times.

Then I close my eyes and let the music guide me. I dance through the routine I’ve watched them perform over the last week. Moving with the gracefulness I have watched the dancers use, I dance until the song comes to an end.

I end with a leap through the air I’ve been practicing, then place my arms over my head and bow my head gracefully. My chest is heaving as applause fills the air. I lift to straighten as my cheeks heat.

“Bravo, magnifique. I haven’t seen this piece performed so flawlessly in years. What is your name? Where have you been? Why do I only see you in these rooms after hours?”

“My name is Symphony. As I have told you, I am not one of your students. I am a pianist. I wanted to learn, so I have been watching and I come to practice what I have watched after my practices,” I respond.

“A pianist? Ha. And I am Mozart,” she scoffs in her French accent.

“I assure you, ma’am. I play Mozart. I am a music student, not a dancer.”

“No, no. This can’t be. You are a dancer.”

I giggle and shake my head. She looks back at me with a mix of awe, confusion, and excitement. I think that’s what I see.

“Class is dismissed. Symphony, you and I need to go see the dean of dance.”


My phone rings as I sit scowling at the screen before me. It is midnight, but I can’t sleep. I am waiting for my time to call Sim before I call it a night.

I have been irritable since leaving Symphony in Boston. I don’t know what these feelings are that I’ve begun to have concerning her. I know I’m protective of her, but this has gone beyond that.

“Hello,” I answer, feeling frustrated with myself and my thoughts.

I should be going through surveillance for my next job, but I’ve seen nothing as I sit here looking at the screen in front of me. My thoughts are far from here. I pull a hand down my face.

“Michael, it is me, Symphony. I had to call you with my good news,” Sim sings on the other side of the line.

I chuckle, feeling my mood lighten. It’s good to hear her so happy. A smile comes to my face as I sit back in my seat.

“Hello, Sim. What is this good news?”

“I’m going to be a dancer,” she gushes. “A ballerina. Madam Hellene saw me dance and took me to the dean to get me into her classes. Isn’t this wonderful? I think I will love to dance as much as I love to play.”

My chest tightens as my dreams of the faceless dancer fill my mind. Those long brown legs wrapped around my waist. I grow hard from the memory.

Quickly, I push the thought away. Symphony doesn’t have long legs, and I’m not interested in her in that way. I don’t know what has come over me.

I clear my throat. “That is wonderful. What will you need? I will ensure you have everything necessary for you to excel.

“Should I put you into lessons for you to catch up? Will this interfere with your music classes? How can I help?”

She releases the sweetest giggle. “I don’t need anything yet. I will let you know when I do.

“I don’t need lessons. Madam Hellene says I’m a born talent. This will be good for me.

“I will be able to make friends. Dancing isn’t as solitary as playing the piano. I’m so excited, Michael,” she rambles.

I can’t help the smile on my lips. I did do the right thing. This is the happiest I’ve ever heard her.

“I’m so proud of you, Sim.”