Stepping In


Two years later …

I thought I would have more friends by now. Not that I’m not trying. I must say that my developmental skills have improved. I also self-stimulate a whole lot less.

Annabella took me to a specialist my first year here in Boston. The visit was good for me. I learned to help myself.

Dr. Gideon has been kind and supportive. I don’t think I would have made it through the first two years without her. I wasn’t being bullied, but it was hard to get the other dancers to like me.

It was after the night I saved Ximena from that perv who tried to rob and assault her at gunpoint that I realized why they didn’t want to be my friends. Ximena explained to me that the others were jealous that I had walked in and excelled, earningthe attention of Madam Hellene and her colleagues. It all made sense.

However, I was grateful that Ximena decided to befriend me. I look forward to our time together. She is patient and kind.

“Hey, why couldn’t we do something indoors? You want Frosty to take a bite out of my ass, don’t you?” Ximena says as she joins me for lunch.

I love to eat out here in this park. The cold air is refreshing and keeps the brain alert. I often come to run here with Adriano.

I laugh at Ximena as I close the book I had been reading. Annabella has sent me copies of her textbooks and syllabus for her current semester. I’m enjoying our study sessions over the phone.

It makes me happy that I can help her study. I don’t feel as alone. I still talk to Michael all the time, but he can get busy at times, and I hate to bother him.

I love that he allows me to ramble about the latest construction articles or demolition videos I’ve watched on my tablet. He even reads and watches some of my suggestions so we can discuss them on our calls. I love it when he asks me questions as if I’m helping him somehow.

“I will allow you to arrange our next meeting. You can choose for us to be indoors if you like. Frosty is a fictional character. I don’t believe you have to worry about your ass,” I say.

She rolls her eyes. “Good thing you brought your hot-ass bodyguard along. Looking at him will keep me warm for a little while,” she teases.

I glance at Adriano. I never thought of him in that way until Ximena started pointing out how handsome he was. She’s not wrong.

He is very attractive. He has a very handsome face, and he keeps his body in shape. I would know. I train with him a lot.

I blush as Adriano smiles from overhearing our conversation. I should be used to Ximena flirting with him, but it causes my cheeks to heat every time. It’s not her words but the fact that Adriano always looks at me as if I’m the one who spoke them.

“Looking at him isn’t going to keep you warm. That’s preposterous.”

“What’s preposterous is the fact that you haven’t jumped his sexy bones. There is something more you’re not telling me because him being three years older than you isn’t cutting it. If you ask me, that makes him perfect,” she lowers her voice to whisper.

“I didn’t ask you and that’s an off-limits topic. Did you bring our lunch? That was your responsibility,” I say firmly, closing the discussion.

She narrows her eyes at me. I’ve come to know her well, so I know she’s not upset with me, just nosy and curious about things I refuse to share.

“I’m giving you these thick-ass peanut butter and jelly sandwiches just for that.”

“Oh God, no. Please, I asked you not to make those for me. You use that chunky peanut butter, and you place it on both sides. I can’t stand that in my mouth.”

“Nuts are always good in your mouth.”

Adriano bursts out with a laugh before he can stifle it. I look over at him and glare. He stops laughing audibly but I can see his shoulders shaking and the twinkle in his eyes.

“I wouldn’t know anything about what you’re insinuating. I believe you’re talking about fellatio. I have never had a man’s penis in my mouth, so I can’t give an affirmative to your response.”

Adriano chokes then clears his throat. I look at him and I’m confused by the deep blush in his cheeks. His light-gray eyes are fixed on my lips.

If I’m not mistaken, lust begins to cloud his eyes. I look away, not wanting to see what’s really happening in his thoughts. I already don’t like that I’ve become aware of his attractiveness because Ximena has repeatedly pointed it out.

“I’m going to walk the perimeter. Enjoy your lunch,” he says and walks away.