“You are angry with me.”

“Mia cara, I am not angry with you. I’m angry that those kids are always targeting you. I am angry with myself for not stopping this personally sooner.

“I noticed at breakfast that you were having a bad day. I should have kept you home. I knew you were overstimulated as you walked out of the door,” he says.

“I will do better. I can do better.”

He pulls me into a tight hug and it’s like what I’ve needed all day. I wrap my arms around his waist and tap my fingers against him. The music begins to make more sense and it’s soothing.

“I have something for you. Come with me,” he says softly.

He takes my hand in his and leads me from the room. I’m surprised as he takes me to the sunroom, where I love to read and paint.

My eyes grow wide when a grand piano comes into view. Michael takes me over to the bench seat and sits me down. I look up at him and he kisses my forehead.

“This is for you, little one.”

“Thank you, Michael. Thank you,” I gasp.

I turn to the piano and begin to play. I’ve never played one before, but I play the notes playing in my head. For once, it feels like my fingers are doing what they have always wanted to do. I have never been more calm.

“You’re incredible,” Michael says as he sits beside me and bumps me with his shoulder.

I look at him and smile. He is always so kind to me. This is the best gift ever.

“Can I play with you?”

I nod and still my fingers. Michael rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt, then he places his hands on the keys. I smile as he begins to play “Für Elise.” I love this song.

Classical music is my favorite. I close my eyes and follow the notes he is playing. I listen closely to keep up with him.

Soon, I’m lost in the music and a sense of peace washes over me. My bad day is forgotten, and I wish it could always be like this. When we stop playing, I open my eyes and look at Michael’s face.

He’s smiling back at me. His blond hair has fallen into his eyes, showing he’s not much older than me. A boy who is becoming a man with great responsibility.

I now understand the burden I have become to him. However, he never makes me feel like that’s the case. I turn away as butterflies fill my belly.

“That was amazing, Symphony. I would never know you’ve never played before. This is yours. Play whenever you want. Let this room be your happy place, Sim.”


“Yes, Symphony Isabella Mansilla, right?”

“Yes, that is right, Michael Zuko-Donati.”

“Donati, Sim. Just Donati. We are Donatis.”

In this moment, I believe I have fallen in love with my husband. Michael Donati has given me the greatest gifts. A piano and a name. I will cherish both.


“A piano? You gave our little one a piano?” Nico says as he sticks his head into my office.

Looking up from my computer, I then frown. I didn’t know he was home. The sound of Symphony playing fills the house.

I glance at the clock and smile. It’s a good thing we don’t have close neighbors, although she plays beautifully and I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. The only thing that might be a problem is the fact that she’s been playing “Für Elise” repeatedly for the last few hours.

“I thought you, of all people, would be happy to see it.”