“I am. However, judging by the hour and the fact that Annabella says she’s been playing since you gave it to her this afternoon, I don’t think I’ll ever get any playing time. I didn’t know she could play.”

My smile grows. I had no idea either. I had planned on getting her lessons. However, when I saw her slightly bruised cheek after Adriano told me what happened in school, I knew giving her the piano was the right thing to do.

Symphony tries so hard to be perfect. I always tell her to be herself and do what makes her comfortable, but teenagers can be cruel. I know it’s overwhelming for her.

I remember how confusing and frustrating that time of my life was. It wasn’t that long ago. I remember needing an outlet when I came home from school. I wanted to give her that. I was happy to learn she could play.

“Neither did I. I bought it on a hunch. Turns out she’s a prodigy.

“I plan to find her a school for music. She obviously loves it. It might be the best thing to send her away.”

“Why is that?” he asks curiously.

I take a moment to think about whether or not to share this information with my brother. Nico lives in a different world. While I’ve told him why I married Symphony, I haven’t gone into great detail about what that means for our future.

“Things are changing. Don Locatelli and his nephew have invited Uri into something that could change everything for Sim and me.” I shrug. It’s most of the truth.

The Locatellis want to talk to Uri about joining an alliance they are forming. I’m still learning about it and digging for more information for Uri to consider the invitation. I’m interested. It sounds like the opportunity I need to gain the upper hand with Leonardo Trovati.

“Sim? Cute. I like it. You know I don’t follow the family business, but why would you need to send her away. She’s been doing so well here, no?”

I pull a hand down my face. Symphony has done great in the last year. I’m watching her flourish.

If not for the bullies at school, I’d say she’s been doing wonderful. She’s happy most of the time and so smart. Annabella talks to her about her university studies all the time.

My mind is blown when Symphony engages with Annabella as if she sits in the lecture halls with her. My wife holds some of the most intellectual conversations I’ve ever heard, and in the next moment, you realize you’re talking to a child.

“Yes, she’s doing well, but I don’t know how much longer Italy will be safe for her. Uri’s decision will affect everything. I need to place Symphony far away from any of us.”

Nico pushes off the doorjamb and makes his way fully into the office to take one of the seats before my desk. I notice he looks tired. His season has been up and down this year.

He’s playing great but the same can’t be said for the rest of his team. It looks like that might be taking a toll. I’m sure Annabella nagging him for a visit hasn’t helped.

“You are twenty. You could be out partying, but you are here taking care of a young girl, along with taking care of your duties with our brother. You take on responsibilities beyond you. I admire this, little brother.

“Your heart is a good one. If you think you need to send her away, I believe you are making the right choice for her. Although it might break her heart,” he says after seeming to sit in thought.

“I have considered this, but I will always make my decisions based on what will keep her safe.”

“Do what you must, Michael. I will miss her. I look forward to coming home and seeing her.”

I fall back into my seat. I will miss her as well. Our talks always brighten my day.

After I’ve had to go to that dark place to take a life, I’ve become accustomed to basking in her light. However, the goal has always been to keep her safe. I don’t believe staying here with me is the best choice.

I sigh as my thoughts weigh heavily. “We shall see what comes of this. If the music is bothering you, I will ask her to go to bed for now.”

“No, leave her. I will go to my wing. The sound may help me to sleep.” He snorts. “She has never played?Lei è un genio.”

“Yes, that she is. A genius indeed.”


Sweetest Things


“Get out of my fucking way,” the asshole who has bumped into me snarls.