Uri laughs at me. Then winces. “You don’t see it now, but a day will come when you will regret this. Most likely, it will be because of another woman.”

“You are the one who told me relationships will get me killed in this business. This marriage will be my insurance to keep me from making that mistake.”

Uri laughs harder and shakes his head. “Your emotions will be your downfall, Michael. Not every situation should involve your heart.”

I go to answer him, but Symphony rushes back into the room, holding a plate with a sandwich resting on it. She stops in front of me, but she won’t look up at me. I smile and place a hand gently on her shoulder.

“Is this for me?”

“Yes, I will take a bite first if you like.”

I give her a wink. “Mi fido di te. Grazie.”

She looks up and makes full eye contact this time. Her right eye has started to open again. Something passes between us, and I know for a fact I will protect her with my life if necessary.

As the youngest and the sibling of twins, I know what it’s like to feel alone. It’s one of the reasons I wanted to find Uri. I wanted to have a bond like Nico and Annabella have.

At least I had my siblings. Symphony has no one on top of having challenges she will face throughout her life. Not just a crazy man who’s trying to wipe her and her family out, but challenges because of her condition.

I haven’t even begun to think about the fact that she will be a Black woman in an Italian underworld. Being from a black sheep family, I believe I have found a kindred spirit within this kid.

“You are welcome, Michael. Thank you for taking care of me and getting me away from the bad man.”

“Anytime,mia cara.”

I take the plate and bite into the sandwich. Her nose wrinkles as she breaks our eye contact. Her lips turn into a mix of a smile and a pucker.

Almost as if she is trying to make a silly face. However, it’s more than that. It’s tied to an emotion I haven’t figured out yet.

When I turn my attention to Uri, he’s keeping a close eye on the both of us. I sigh because I can tell he still doesn’t think this is a good idea. I, on the other hand, believe this is the right thing to do.

“Don Trovati, let’s talk details. My brother will do this for you,” Uri says as the don enters the room.

The look of relief that comes across the old man’s face is palpable. It’s like I watch years come off his face. Symphony has returned to her book on the floor in front of the fireplace.


The Ceremony


I look into the mirror at the pretty dress I have on. It’s white and has pretty lace all over it. I look like one of the dolls Nonna used to have.

I loved playing with those dolls when I was small. That was before me and Mommy left Italy. I never saw Nonna again after that. Mommy was sad for a while.

I remember her crying. Nonno was really sad the next time we saw him too. I think I know how they felt.

It feels like Mommy should be here. This feels important. Nonno has tried to explain to me what’s happening.

I’m getting married today. Michael Zuko-Donati will be my husband. The handsome man who saved me is going to marry me and take me away from here to keep me safe.

We’re getting married in Italy at Nonno’s home here. I reach up to touch my hair. The smiling lady fixed it for me and coveredmy patches. I’m nervous, but I don’t want to mess it up, so I cross my fingers and shake my hands out in front of me.

“Ciao,” someone whispers into the room.

I turn to look at the door and find a pretty lady standing there. She’s tall with blonde hair. Her blue eyes remind me of Michael and Uri’s.

Nonno said Michael’s sister would be here to help me. This must be her. She gives me a smile and her eyes light up with it. I lift to my toes and go to step forward.