“Ciao, I am Symphony. Do you speak English, or do you wish for me to speak Italian?” I say in Italian.

“Oh, you’re so adorable. I’m Annabella, Michael’s sister. We can speak whichever you’re comfortable with. May I come in?”

“Please, I would like that.”

“How are you doing? Do you need help with anything?”

“I … I don’t know. I think I am ready.”

“But how are you feeling, love? You’re only fourteen and about to get married.”

“My marriage will keep me safe. Michael will take care of me. If something happens to Nonno, Michael will make sure I am taken care of,” I reply.

“Yes, he will. I will also be around to help you. My brothers and I are now your family.”

“I think I will like that. Michael is my friend. He is kind to me.”

“Michael is a sweet kid. You look gorgeous. Do you want help with your veil?”

I hold my hands up and begin to tap my fingers. It’s time. It’s time to go get married.

“Oh, Symphony. It’s okay. Breathe, love. Breathe,” Annabella coos.

I realize I’m in full stim. I’m chewing, my fingers are going, and I’m seconds away from grabbing at my hair.

Annabella moves to me and wraps her arms around me. She gives me a tight hug and all the noise begins to settle down. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze back.

“There you go. It’s going to me fine. Once the wedding is over, we’ll have some cake and ice cream, and we’ll get to know more about each other before we take you home.”


“Yes, you will be coming home with us. Michael and I live together. Our brother Nico lives with us when his not playing football. Wait, you were raised in the States. He plays professional soccer.”

“Oh, yes. Michael has told me about the soccer player. He is your twin. You are the doctor and computer genius. Michael said you won’t mind if I read your schoolbooks.

“I am most excited for that. I like to read and learn new things. I didn’t realize I would have to leave Nonno tonight,” I reply.

“Oh, honey. Yes, you will be leaving with your husband. Will you be okay with that?”

“Yes, I will have to be. It is how Michael will keep me safe. I will do my part. I can do this.”

“You are a brave girl. We will be friends. I can see why Michael wants to do this. I just want to wrap you in my arms and keep you safe myself.”

I take a deep breath. “I am ready for the veil, please. Yes, I would like your help. Michael is waiting.”

Annabella gives me a big smile. I like her smile. Yes, she will be someone I can trust.

I am ready. I can marry Michael.


I stand here at the altar with my brows threaded. I was not expecting Symphony to look like this. She is going to make such a beautiful woman in a few years.

Her eyes are gorgeous, so big and bright. Her lashes are insanely pretty. Her face is flawless.

For the first time, I’m beginning to question myself. Saying I do and living a life outside of my marriage feels wrong, but can this marriage ever be more than just in name.

As Symphony goes from looking me in my eyes to looking anywhere but at me, I’m not sure this is the right thing to do. However, this is the only way to keep her safe and preserve her right to the Trovati family name.