Page 76 of Warped

After coming through the Warpgate two weeks ago, we immediately got in touch with our connection in the Caldera Planetary Defense Force. Binx showed him the files on her datastick, and from there, things moved pretty quick. Every ship coming through the Warpgate was searched thoroughly, and all of the Gaia Group’s doomsday devices were uncovered and disabled. We know how many there were, because that information was all included in the messages Binx found.

Once the news got out about the Gaia Group’s plan, even their government connections couldn’t save them. As of this morning, half the board of directors are in jail, and the other half—unwilling to face the consequences for their actions—are dead by their own hands.

As for that little twerp, Stanley, well…weknow what happened to him.

I would’ve liked to kill that little fucker myself, but I guess I’ll have to settle for watching him get eaten by an interdimensional squid.

The global government of Caldera gave us a nice, fat monetary reward for saving their planet. They also helped us retrieve the missing pieces ofthe Nomad. The ship is currently undergoing repairs at the best spaceport in the sector, absolutely free of charge. It should be ready to fly again in another week or two.

And as an icing on the cake, the government is working with our insurance company to make sure we are fully reimbursed for the cargo we lost. Hence this little meeting today.

And the neverending list.

“Alright,” says the insurance adjuster as she scrolls through the tablet in front of her. “That covers all of the cargo you lost in the Warp. Now let’s move on to personal effects.”

She stops, and her face reddens.

“Oh… Ohmy.”

“Is there a problem?” Binx asks nonchalantly.

The woman lifts her eyes from the tablet to look at Binx. Then she glances back and forth at me and Rek.

“No!” she blurts out, obviously flustered by the list. “No problem at all. Let’s see here…” She reads off the list, her blush deepeningwith each new item she recites. “Six sets of anal beads, two leather riding crops, four ball gags, seven paddles for spanking, one custom made dildo, fivegallonsof water-based lubricant?”

She raises her eyes, as if to ask if that last item is correct. Before Rek or I can answer, Binx just smiles sweetly and says, “The first rule of anal is that you can never have too much lube…”

She places one hand on my thigh and the other on Rek’s.

“…especiallywhen your partners are as well-endowed as mine.”

The adjuster’s eyes get as wide as two dinner plates.

“I… Isee.”

She quickly bows her head back down to her tablet and continues reading off the lost items from our sex toy collection. It takes her several minutes to get through all of it, and I barely hear a word. My attention is all on Binx, and my mind is already back at our hotel suite.

By the time the adjuster finishes reading the lurid list, her brow is speckled with sweat.

“I… I believe that’s everything,” she says.

“Wait,” says Binx. “I think that list is missing a few things.” She turns to Rek. “What about that set of anal plugs you purchased at the waystation?”

Rek just smirks at our naughty little mate.

“Sweetheart, I don’t think we need those plugs anymore, do you?”

“Speak for yourself, dear,” Binx says. “If it were up to me, I would have both of your cocks inside me all the time.” She looks at the adjuster and smiles sweetly. “But of course, that just isn’t practical, so I need a more discreet option when I’m out in public.”

She then goes on to describe the anal plugs in great detail, so the adjuster can add them to the list.

After that, we go through all the kitchen appliances, exercise equipment, lounge furniture, clothing. The woman behind the desk gives us the total, which is more than generous, and a minute later, the credits are sent to our account, just like that. It’s probably the easiest insurance payout in the history of the universe. Of course, the fact that we pretty much saved the entire planet helps to grease the wheels a little. Hell, we’re friggin’ heroes.

But Binx is the real hero.

Without her, none of this would have happened.

As we’re heading out, the insurance adjuster calls Binx back to her desk for a moment. Rek and I wait by the door as the two women talk in voices too low for us to hear. Binx scribbles something down on a piece of paper, and the woman behind the desk smiles and thanks her profusely.