“What was that all about?” I ask once we’re out in the hall.
“Oh, she was just asking how the three of us met, so I told her about WarpSeekers.”
Rek chuckles. “Maybe she’s considering a new career in the Warp?”
“She’ll be good at it,” Binx says with a grin. “She’s hot.”
Was she? Hell, I didn’t even notice. In the past, I would have paid attention to such things, but these days I only have eyes for Binx. There’s not a woman in the whole universe who can top her.
“So, where to now?” Binx asks.
“Hotel,” I say. “Naturally.”
Binx pouts. “Fine. I just wish we could spend more time outside, that’s all. The beaches here are supposed to be beautiful.”
Rek feigns surprise.
“Has our insatiable little woman finally had her fill of sex?”
She gives me a naughty smile.
“We can have sex on the beach, you know.”
“Right out in public?” I ask. “In front of everybody?”
“Let them watch,” she says, as she reaches out both of her hands to stroke Rek’s bulge and my own. “I want the whole world to see how hard you guys make me come.”
It’s all I can do to keep from shoving her up against the wall and fucking her right here in the hallway.
“The beach sounds nice,” Rek says. “But I think we’d better stay inside as much as possible, at least until this business with the Gaia Group has blown over.”
“You really think they’re going to try to get me?” Binx asks.
“I don’t wanna risk it,” Rek says. “At least not for the time being.”
Binx rolls her eyes and sighs.
“Fine, but I think you’re being overprotective. Nobody from the Gaia Group is going to try to get revenge. There’s no money in it.”
She’s probably right.
Still, we’re not gonna risk it. Binx is just too damn precious.
I stop in my tracks, grab her by the arm, and turn her to face me. Her blue eyes are filled with that old familiar defiance that never fails to set my balls on fire.
“Binx,” I say. “You’re much too careless to be left to your own devices.”
“So what are you going to do about it?” she asks. “Spank me?”
A group of office workers are passing us in the hallway. They gasp audibly.
“Naturally,” I say. “As soon as we get back to the hotel, I’m gonna spank your behind until it’s nice and red. Then I’m gonna fuck it hard and deep. Me and Rek are gonna fill you up with cum from both ends.”
Down the hall, one of the office workers swoons like she’s going to faint.
“Okay,” Binx says. “You’ve convinced me. Let’s go back to the hotel.”
“I’m not finished,” I tell her. “Like I said, you’re too impetuous to be left to your own devices, so me and Rek are gonna make you our full-time mate.”