“I guess you could call it that,” Rek says. “Though it’s a little different. A lot of marriages end in divorce, but a bond between Warpmates isalwayspermanent. It’s a bond that can never be broken.”
“Also,” Traven interjects, “the ceremony is a bit different from a traditional planet-lubber wedding.”
“How so?”
He gives me a wicked look.
“I could explain it to you… but maybe it would be better if you just saw it for yourself.”
“Um, okay?”
“Nomad,” Rek says. “Select Option Two, please. We’re gonna watch.”
I have to admit, the idea of watching what is basically someone else’s wedding video is not exactly at the top of my list for fun things to do tonight. Still, the people getting married are friends with Rek and Traven, so I decide to just go along with it and try my best not to seem bored.
Then the image appears on the screen, and my whole attitude changes.
It’s a live feed from some sort of auditorium, with a little circular stage surrounded on all sides by row upon row of elevated seats. Most of the seats are filled with blue-skinned warper mutants like Rek and Traven, along with human companions like myself. The angle of the camera makes it feel as if we are part of that audience, and I’m struck with the sudden feeling that Rek and Traven have brought me along as their shared date to their friends’ wedding. That idea gives me an excited flutter in my tummy.
Corny, I know, but don’t judge.
A mechanical sound snaps my attention back to the screen. In the center of the stage, two panels are sliding back, revealing a circular trap door in the floor. After a moment, a dark shape emerges from the opening. A round bed, much like the one I’m currently sharing with Traven and Rek. Once the bed is fully elevated, several spotlights snap on, bathing the mattress in light, and revealing a woman lying on top of it. I can only assume this is the woman mentioned in the invitation. Elaine. The bride.
Only she isn’t dressed in a bridal gown. As a matter of fact, her outfit looks better suited to a bondage session than a wedding.Lots of leather. Even more skin. I would never have the guts to wear something like that in front of an audience, but Elaine doesn’t seem the least bit embarrassed. Nor does she have any reason to be. She’s been blessed with a lot of curves, and the outfit shows them off to great advantage.
And is that a tinge of blue I see on her exposed skin? I guess this woman has been traveling through the Warp long enough for the mutation to begin.
My pulse jumps. I can feel it thumping deep in my throat. Without taking my eyes off the screen, I turn my head slightly toward Rek.
“Where are the, um, grooms?”
“Just keep watching, sweetheart. Just keep watching.”
As if answering my question, a gong rings three times, and two large figures make their way down to the stage, descending the slanted aisles running between the rows of seats. At first, they are little more than shadows, but as they near the spotlight drenching the bed, I’m able to get a better look at them. They are two massive, blue-skinned warpers. Their upper bodies are naked, showing off their powerful torsos and tattooed arms. Their lower bodies are clad in black leather pants so tight they look sprayed on.
If the sight of them brings a stiffness to my nipples and a wetness between my legs, it is only because they remind me of the two men with whom I am currently sharing my own bed. I don’t even have to touch Rek and Traven to know they are every bit as aroused as I am, but I do it anyway, just because. They touch me back, caressing my body through the vapor-thin silk robe I’m wearing.
On the screen, both warpers take off their pants, exposing their male arousal. The sight is met with murmurs of approval from the crowd. Meanwhile, Elaine offers a different kind of sound, at once needful and submissive. She rolls over onto all fours and licks her lips, obviously eager to let the men make use of her.
“I thought this was supposed to be a wedding,” I whisper, “not a public honeymoon.”
“Just watch,” Traven purrs softly as he toys with one of my nipples through the smooth fabric of my robe. “Just watch…”
So I do.
I watch as the two warpers undress their woman. I watch as they worship her with their fingers and their tongues. I watch as they mount her and share her for their pleasure, gently at first, then hard and deep. They use every part of her they can fit themselves inside of. Her mouth. Her hands. The cleavage between her breasts. But most of all, they use the holes between her legs. Both of them at the same time, one in front of her and one behind, their three bodies writhing as one. She begs them to come inside of her, and they grant her wish, and after they are finished, they prove it to the audience by spreading her legs wide so everyone can see their sticky white seed leaking out. Then they start again, using their own cum as lubrication.
It is during this second round of sharing that a realization hits me. It happens while the woman is riding one of her mates while the other takes her from behind. Her upright position allows me to notice the subtle roundness of her belly, the extra fullness of her breasts, and that ineffable glow that suffuses her skin.
This isn’t just a wedding that I’m watching; it’s ashotgunwedding.
Elaine is preggers.
It’s notreallya shotgun wedding, of course. There are no grumpy in-laws coercing these lovebirds into wedlock. Elaine and her two warper mates are doing this of their own free will. But they didn’t wait until they had tied the knot to start making babies. At some point in the past few months, either intentionally or by accident, Elaine got knocked up by one of her guys. And she got that way from doing the same things I’ve been doing with Traven and Rek.
That realization unleashes an entire army of butterflies in my stomach. My heart beats faster, and my skin prickles with goosebumps.
It’s not that I’m worried about getting pregnant on this trip. My birth control patch is still latched firmly onto my shoulder. It’s just that, until now, I haven’t even thought about the possibility of pregnancy. I meanreallythought about it.