But I’m thinking about it now, and it’s turning me on in ways I never could have anticipated.
“Rek,” I whisper. “Traven…”
“Yeah?” Rek answers. “What is it, sweetheart?”
Traven doesn’t say anything, but he presses in against me, and he slips his hand inside my robe to touch me skin-on-skin. I whimper softly and bite my lip, unwilling to unleash the shameful words that are welling up inside me.
Rek catches my chin and nudges my face toward his.
“Well?” he says.
“Nothing,” I mumble, too embarrassed to give voice to my desire.
“Don’t be afraid,” he says. “You can tell us what’s on your mind, Binx. You’re safe with us.”
I’m not one hundred percent certain that’s true, especially with Traven involved, but it doesn’t matter. The urges inside me are growing stronger with every contraction of my heart, and they’re threatening to overwhelm the shame that is holding them inside.
“I… I want to play a game,” I whisper.
I flush with embarrassment at how childish and silly that sounds, but the game I have in mind isn’t childish at all. It’s making me hot and wet just thinking about it.
“What kind of game?” Rek asks.
My lips tremble with uncertainty. I really shouldn’t say it, but I have to.
“Like, um, role-playing,” I say.
That isn’t really accurate, though. What I have in mind isn’t role-playing. I’ll still be me, Rek will still be Rek, and Traven will still be Traven. We’ll just be playing make believe. Pretending to do something hot and dirty and beautiful.
“Go on,” Rek urges, his voice gentle but firm.
I hesitate a moment longer, then the words come pouring out of me in a rush…
“I want to pretend we’re making a baby!”
There’s a part of me that wishes I hadn’t said what I just said—hadn’trevealedwhat I just revealed—but it’s too late to take it back now. Rek and Traven heard everything. They heard what I want them to do to me. They know my deepest desire. Even though I still have my clothes on, I feel more exposed and vulnerable than I’ve ever felt before. Yet that vulnerability only pours gasoline on the fire of my raging arousal. My nipples are as hard as pebbles beneath my silk robe. My panties are drenched with the wetness flowing out of me. My skin is stippled with goosebumps from my head all the way down to my toes. As the two big warpers close in on either side of me, I press my hands against the chests, and I realize they have goosebumps too. Their hard muscles have the texture of eggshells beneath my fingertips, and I can feel their hearts thudding hard and fast within them, like twin dragons preparing to hatch and devour me whole. Rek presses his soft lips against my ear and purrs, sending sexy shivers racing up and down my spine.
“So,” he whispers. “You want us to knock you up?”
I open my mouth to correct him. I don’tactuallywant them to make me pregnant. I only want topretend.
But then I catch myself as I realize what Rek is doing.
He’s already playing along.
Traven’s hand is still between my legs, and he pets my pussy through the fabric of my soaked panties as he nuzzles my other ear.
“You want us to fuck a baby into you, woman?”
His language is coarse, but his voice is smooth as the silken cloth through which he is rubbing me. Tingles of excitement race along my nerves, and my whole body trembles with burning desire.
“Yes!” I gasp. “I want you to fuck me and come inside me and make me pregnant.”
He slips his fingers inside my panties and rubs my pussy skin-on-skin. His fingertip finds my entrance and slips inside.
“Right here?” he growls. “You want us to fuck you with our hard cocks and fill your perfect little pussy with our seed?”