“She used fake pictures.”
In front of me, the woman stirs uncomfortably, causing the front of her trench coat to brush against the underside of my erect shaft. In my heightened state of arousal, it’s almost enough to make me come.
“About the pictures,” she says. “I can explain.”
I snap my attention back to her eyes, and the blood drains from her face.
“Well?” I say. “I’m waiting.”
The woman starts to answer, but her words are an incomprehensible stammer. She shuts up when Rek puts his hand on her shoulder.
“It’s alright,” he says. “Binx already explained it to me on the way over. There’s no need for her to go through it all a second time.”
“It isn’t alright with me,” I growl.
Rek places his other hand on my shoulder and gives me one of his looks.
“Chill, bro. You’re making our guest uncomfortable.”
Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. And in this case, I’d say it’s justified. It doesn’t matter how sexy this woman is. She lied to us, and that’s a problem. A big one. But I can tell from the look in Rek’s eye that he doesn’t see it that way. I guess I’ll hear him out.
“Binx,” he says. “Why don’t you wait in the bedroom for a minute? I need to have a private discussion with my partner here.”
The woman is more than happy to comply. She’s gone in a blink, leaving me and Rek alone in the bathroom. He closes the door after her.
“Traven, what’re you doing, man?”
“What amIdoing? What the fuck areyoudoing bringing that woman aboard our ship? You showed me her profile this morning before you went to meet her. That is not the same woman from the pictures. She’s using a fake profile.”
Rek pats the air with his hands. The gesture is meant to calm me down, but it only annoys me more.
“She already explained it to me,” he says. “This is just a side gig for her. She’s worried someone from her day job might see her profile, and she’d get in trouble.”
“What’s her day job?”
“Didn’t ask.”
“Of course not. You don’t really believe her story, do you? She’s bullshittin’ you, Rek. I don’t think she’s even done this before. Did you see the look on her face just now when she saw my cock? She looked like she was ready to run for the damn hills. How long has she even been on WarpSeekers anyway?”
“Since yesterday.”
“Surprise, surprise. It’s obvious what’s going on here, Rek. That woman’s on the run from something. Probably something illegal. She can’t book a ticket on a Warpliner, so she’s tryin’ tohitch a ride with some warpers instead. Only, I don’t think she fully comprehends what that entails.”
“Oh, I think she does, Traven. You read her profile. It couldn’t have been more explicit.”
I just grunt and shake my head.
“Saying it’s one thing. Actually experiencing it’s something else entirely. As soon as you saw she wasn’t the same woman from the pictures, you should have called the whole thing off.”
Rek scoffs.
“You kiddin’ me, bro? Once I saw her, there was no way I could leave her behind. I think you knowexactlywhat I’m talking about…”
He looks down at my dick and arches one eyebrow.
Yeah, my boner is still raging out of control, throbbing and aching like it’s about to fucking explode. I can’t remember the last time a woman made me that hard, and she didn’t even have to touch it. Hell, she didn’t even take her clothes off. All it took was one glance at her beautiful, desperate face, and my cock went from six o’clock to high noon.
Doesn’t matter though.