Rek smirks. He holds my gaze for a moment, then he turns and gestures to the three walls. Each one has a door set into it.
“Closet’s over there,” he says, and he glances at my suitcase. “I know you brought your own things, but we have some additional outfits that you’re welcome to. And this door over here is the bathroom. Come on, let’s take a look.”
I leave my small suitcase by the bed and follow after Rek. He presses a panel on the wall, and the door whooshes open. The room on the other side is shaped almost like a half moon, with a row of sinks, a large mirror, a tub so big you could almost swim laps in it, and—
I gasp audibly.
At the side of the room, standing beneath the spray of a showerhead and veiled in a thick cloud of steam, stands the biggest man I’ve ever seen in my life. He’s as tall as Rek, but even more heavily muscled, and his skin has the same pale, bluish-silver hue.
I can tell, because he’s completely naked.
His back is to the door, and the water sluices down his spine and into the deep cleft of his big, round, bubble-butt. His legs are two pillars of muscle. His arms are deadly weapons. On his rightshoulder is a swirling purple tattoo similar to the one around Rek’s arm.
“Yo, Traven,” Rek says. “We have company.”
The showering warper turns around, and I see that he has a short, black beard like Rek does, but his face is different, his features more rough hewn, his dark eyes set deep beneath a pair of thunderous brows. I meet those eyes for precisely one nanosecond before my gaze drops to his lower body and the enormous thing that’s hanging down between his legs.
It does not hang for long.
As I watch in astonishment, that massive member starts to lift with arousal. In the space of three quick heartbeats, it is fully erect and pointing straight up toward the ceiling of the bathroom. Thick veins line the enormous shaft, throbbing with the warper’s steady pulse.
He shuts off the shower and stalks toward me, huge, naked, and dripping.
My instincts tell me to back away from him, but I know I mustn’t do that. An experienced Warp companion would never flee from a male such as this. Somehow, I manage to keep my feet planted beneath me, even when I feel his hard, wet cock pressing against the front of my trench coat.
He takes my chin between his massive fingers and turns my face to one side, then the other.
He growls.
“This isnotthe woman we ordered.”
This isnotthe woman we ordered.
She is so much better.
Don’t get me wrong, the one Rek showed me pictures of this morning looked good. Most guys would probably consider her a perfect ten. But I’m not most guys. Perfection doesn’t interest me anymore. What I want is something special.
And this new woman, the one who’s standing in front of me right now…
Sheis special.
As soon as I laid eyes on her, I knew she was different. My cock went from zero to hard in three seconds flat. I don’t know what it is about her. Maybe it’s the fear trembling on her plush pink lips, or maybe it’s the spark of defiance burning behind those pretty blue eyes.
Or maybe, just maybe, it’s something else entirely.
All I know for sure is that I want to wrap her long, black hair around my fist and put those trembling lips to work until her blue eyes start to water.
There’s just one problem.
Sheliedto us.
I repeat myself: “This is not the woman we ordered.”
Beside me, Rek clears his throat into his balled-up fist.
“First of all, Traven, we didn’torderher. WarpSeekers is a dating site, based on mutual—”