Page 74 of Warped

I’d wondered if I’d ever see Stanley again.

I thought, if my little half-baked plan worked out the way it was intended, I might have to look at him in a courtroom at some point. I certainly never expected to encounter him under circumstances such as these.

I’m in the cockpit ofthe Nomad. It’s the first time I’ve been up here, and it’s kind of a weird setup. Instead of seats, there are two big, slightly cushioned cradles where the pilot and navigator can lie on their backs and look up at the view-screens on the ceiling. In a way, it makes sense, because when thethe Nomadis in flight, that ceiling is actually the nose of the ship.

Traven is lying in one of the cradles, Rek is lying in the other, and I’m lying face-up on top of Rek, with my legs spread wide and his hard cock buried deep inside my pussy. Even in these dire circumstances, I need at least one of them inside me to keep me calm.

That’s the Warp for you.

Rek assured me beforehand that Stanley and his buddies can’t see all that. The wall imager in the bedroom is only displaying a close-up image of my face. I’ve got to admit, I’m tempted to have the camera pan down just so Stanley can see the way Rek’s thick cock is stretching me, but I’m fairly certain Traven would never allow that. He’s as protective of my pussy as he is of the rest of me.

I suppose it doesn’t really matter. I can see Stanley on the view-screen at the front of the cockpit, so I know he’s already gottena good look at the bed where my two warpers have been sharing me so roughly and thoroughly for the past few days. He can see all the evidence of how they’ve pleasured me—and how they’ve trained me to better pleasure them.

I wonder if it makes Stanley feel a bit inadequate.

That’s only a tiny fraction of what he deserves. He was planning to wipe out the entire population of a planet just so he could make a quick buck. And now he’s come here to tie up loose ends. The way his buddies are armed and armored makes it blatantly clear that this isn’t a friendly visit. We’ve been watching them over the ship’s cameras for several minutes now as they search each level of the ship with deadly intent. I’m not sure how they found us, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the fourth member of their little posse. The skinny one with the big, crazy-looking eyes. I’ve never seen that guy before, but there’s something eerily familiar about him, like I’ve met him in a dream—or a nightmare.

It doesn’t really matter how they found us, though. All that matters is getting them off our ship, and Traven has promised to do exactly that. But first, he wanted to give me a chance to say my goodbyes to Stanley. Closure and all that.

There’s just one problem.

I don’t know what to say.

I suppose there are plenty of choice words I could use to express my feelings at this moment. I could tell Stanley what a creep he is. How he’s selfish beyond belief and evil beyond all comprehension. That I regret ever meeting him, aside from the fact that it allowed me to spoil his shitty little plan. I could tell him that all his money can’t make up for an underdevelopedsoul, and that he’s worth less than the dirt on the undersides of Rek’s and Traven’s boots. I could also tell him that he’s terrible in bed and that his dick is too small to pleasure a pencil sharpener.

I could tell him all that, and it would all be true, but I don’t know if any of it would actually get through to him, so I decide to go with something more concise instead.

“Fuck you, Stanley.”

I look over at Traven where he’s reclining in his pilot’s cradle. If I talked tohimlike that, he would bend me over and spank my ass raw. Then he would fuck it and fill it with cum. As a matter of fact, I’m planning to backtalk him quite a bit over the coming days so I can earn myself just such a punishment. But first, we need to get these unwanted guests off our ship.

Traven quirks an eyebrow at me, as if to ask, “Is that all you wanted to say?” I give him a decisive nod yes.

Traven is wearing a special glove that allows him to control the ship’s systems. He makes a few quick gestures, like a wizard casting a spell, and thenNomad’srobotic voice fills the cockpit.

“Please confirm: do you wish to initiate emergency ejection procedure 774?”

“Affirmative,” says Traven.

“Initiating ejection in three… two… one…”

On the view-screen, I can see the bedroom start to break apart as the walls ofthe Nomadsplit open like a gigantic seed pod. All the contents of the vessel spill out into the swirling chaos of the Warp. The bed. The sex toys. Stanley and his associates.

And all the crates in the cargo hold too.

“What’s happening to the ship?” I gasp.

“We’re dumping it,” Traven says. “It’s a feature we added when we designedthe Nomad, in case we ever got boarded by Warp pirates. The cockpit serves as a secure escape pod, complete with its own auxiliary gravity generators for propulsion. It’ll get us to the Caldera Warpgate, no problem.”

“But what about all your stuff?” I ask.

There must have been millions of credits worth of cargo in the holds, and now it’s getting scattered on the winds of the Warp.

“Don’t worry,” says Rek. “We’ve got the only two things that matter.”

With one hand, he squeezes my breast, while his other hand lifts to show me the datastick, which he grabbed right before we retreated into the cockpit.

I smile and give him a squeeze with my pussy.