Page 73 of Warped

“Because she’syourgirlfriend, dipshit. You sweet-talked her into sleeping with you. Now you’re gonna sweet-talk her into coming with us. The warpers we can just waste, but we need the woman alive so the Psi-hound can interrogate her.”

By “interrogate,” Mikkelson means rape. Not in the physical sense, but mentally, psychically. He will force himself into thewoman’s mind and tear it apart neuron by neuron, searching through her memories the way a hired thug might search a home, turning out drawers, slitting upholstery, smashing vases, searching every nook and cranny of her psyche to find out who else she may have told about the Gaia Group’s plan.

To say the Psi-hound is looking forward to it would be an understatement. He is literally drooling with excitement. His eyes are wide and wild.

“Upstairs,” he says.

“No shit,” says Mikkelson. “There’s nowhere else for her to be. Can’t you pinpoint her scent better than that?”

The Psi-hound shakes his head.

“Unclear. Her psi-scent is mingled with the warpers’. Hard to say exactly where they are.”

Mikkelson smirks.

“Hear that, Stan? Your woman’s beenminglingwith her new friends. What do you think about that?”

Somehow, Stanley manages to keep the jealousy off his face, but it burns inside him like acid. It’s stupid really. He already knew what the woman would be doing on this merchant vessel. That’s how the Warp works. Besides, he doesn’t even care about Bianca. She was just supposed to be a piece of arm candy who wouldn’t embarrass him at parties, who wouldn’t make him look like a fool.

Well, she’s made him look like a fool now. She’s made him look like a cuck, and that’s inexcusable. As far as Stanley’s concerned, that’s even worse than almost revealing the Gaia Group’s plans.

A man in Stanley’s position cannot be made to look foolish.

“Let’s go,” he says coldly.

Lundgren and Mikkelson lead the way, clearing each room as they go. The next two levels are more cargo storage. This is followed by a living area with a kitchen, some workout equipment, and some sofas. It’s clear Bianca and the warpers are not on this level either, unless they’re hiding in a secret compartment in the walls. Mikkelson poses this idea to the Psi-hound.

“Up!” says the hound, slavering like a wild animal. “Up!”

So they go up.

Lundgren and Mikkelson both pause at the top of the stairs, sweeping the room with their weapons and flashlights. Then Mikkelson chuckles.

“Stan, you’re gonna love this.”

Stanley moves up behind them and surveys the scene. The room is dark, but the agents’ lights illuminate the important details. A large, circular bed draped in satin sheets that are rumpled from use and stained with sweat and cum. A few anal plugs are scattered around, their tapered ends slathered with lubrication. A leather paddle.

The air is thick with the smell of sex.

Stanley’s blood starts to boil. He wasn’t planning on watching Bianca’s interrogation, but now he’s changed his mind. He’s going to enjoy watching the Psi-hound tear that slut’s mind apart.

But first they have to find her.

“Ughb,” the Psi-hound slobbers. “Ughb!”

The stairway continues upward to a hatch in the ceiling, but there are three doors on this level. Three side rooms that need to be cleared before they can move on.

“You go left,” Mikkelson whispers, gesturing to Lundgren. “I’ll go right. Then we’ll check the third door together.”

They start to move, but only make it a few paces before a blinding light freezes them in their tracks. A massive wall-imager has flickered to life, displaying a picture of Bianca’s face, her black hair messy and wild, her blue eyes burning furiously.

Stanley realizes, with a jolt, that it is a live image.

Her voice comes over the speakers.

“Hello, Stanley…”