Page 64 of Warped

I moan around Rek’s long, thick shaft. I wish I could say it is a sound of pain, but that is not entirely the case.

Each fresh blow of the paddle jostles the plug inside me, and with that jostling comes a growing sensation of pleasure that is at once familiar and alien to me. Familiar, because I have experienced it many times over the past two days. Alien, because I’ve never experienced it inthatpart of my body before.

I don’t understand how this is possible. It shouldn’t be happening, but it is.

I’m about to come… back there.

Wap! Wap! Wap!

Just as my pleasure is on the verge of peaking, the spanking stops. I’m anticipating one more blow, the one that will push me over the edge into my climax, but it doesn’t come. With aneedy whimper, I slide my mouth off Rek’s hard cock and cast a questioning look over my shoulder at Traven.

“Why did you stop?” I whine.

Traven smirks. “Weren’t you keeping count, woman?”

“Yes. You only spanked me nine times.”

“Nine plus the one I gave you to start with. That’s ten blows, exactly as promised.” His smirk widens into a grin. “But I’d be willing to give you a few more, if you ask nicely.”

I suppose he’s right, Icouldask him nicely, but I have an even better idea.

“Fuck you,” I whisper sweetly. “Is that really the best you can do?”

The smile slides off Traven’s handsome face, and his eyes burn with a dark inner fire.

“Woman, you just earned yourself ten more.”

I face forward and wrap my lips around Rek’s hard cock just before the first blow falls. The impact of the paddle jolts my whole body forward, driving Rek’s dick deep into the back of my throat. Tears flood my eyes and spill down my cheeks.


Wap! Wap! Wap!

Each time the paddle lands, the plug inside me shifts a little, rekindling that delicious pressure I felt building within me before. The blows are like a countdown to a bomb going off, and with the tenth, I achieve detonation.

The ensuing climax is so intense that it leaves me seeing stars. When my vision finally clears and I come back to my senses, I’m lying on my back on the bed, and the two warpers are leaning over me with curious expressions on their faces.

“You alright, sweetheart,” Rek asks.

“I’m better than alright,” I answer, panting. “I think I justcame, but…”

“But what?”

“I think I came in my… in my…”

My voice catches, unable to complete the shameful sentence, so Traven finishes it for me.

“In your ass?”

The big warper has set the paddle aside, and now he reaches down between my legs to touch the gemstone nestled below my pussy. He pushes it rhythmically with two of his fingers, pumping it slightly. Almost instantly, I feel that forbidden pleasure mounting within me again.

“Traven, wait!” I gasp. “Don’t do that! You’re going to make me…”


This time, he is not completing my sentence for me. He is issuing a command—a command which I am powerless to disobey. A second, even bigger climax rocks me, and a full minute passes before I am able to speak again.

“How?” I ask. “How can I comeback there?”