Page 63 of Warped

He places the flat side of the paddle against my bottom again and rubs it back and forth. Then he draws it back again in preparation.

I’ve already asked him to wait once, and I’m tempted to do so again, but I have a feeling it would be futile this time around. No amount of pleading can save me now. Traven is determined to punish me for my supposed bad behavior, and I’m determined to take it like a big girl. I want to show him that I’m tough, that I’m brave, that I’m a fighter. I think that’s what he wants from me. I know it’s what I want from myself.

The paddle whistles softly as he swings it.


The impact rocks me forward on the bed, forcing a gasp from my open lips. Then the pain comes, a slow blossoming heat that spreads across my backside like a wildfire.

“Look at the screen, sweetheart,” Rek says, his voice a gentle counterpoint to the rough blow I just suffered.

I raise my eyes to the screen.

The wall imager is still displaying an oversized picture of my bottom with the glittering jewel of the anal plug in the center, but now my skin is starting to change. In the aftermath of the blow, a broad pink welt is spreading across my backside, and the words tooled upon the paddle’s leather surface are now imprinted onto my punished flesh. This time, the words are turned the right way around so I can read them, one on each cheek…


“Your ass is our property now,” Traven explains, his voice deep and rumbling with arousal. “That means we can do whatever we want with it. We can spank it, we can plug it, we can eat it, and we canfuckit… What do you think about that, woman?”

I want to lie and tell him I don’t like it. I am a free woman, and my body doesn’tbelongto anyone but myself. But the truth of the matter is right there on the wall imager for everyone to see, myself included.

My pussy is so wet it’s dripping.

“Yeah,” Traven says. “That’s what I thought. Now then, let’s continue with your punishment, shall we?”

I turn a plaintive eye toward Rek, who is still kneeling on the bed beside me.

“Won’t you help me?” I ask.

Traven interrupts before his partner has a chance to answer: “We’ve already been through this, woman. Rek is not going to save you from being spanked.”

“That’s not what I meant.” I drop my eyes to the front of Rek’s sweatpants, which are jutting like the prow of a ship. “I just want some help to keep from crying out.”

“Sure thing, sweetheart.”

Rek moves around in front of me and shoves his sweatpants down his meaty legs. His hard cock springs free, right in my face. The head is plump and glistening with precum. My mouth waters at the sight of it. Rek weaves his fingers through my hair and clutches a fistful.

“Open up like a good girl,” he purrs.

I part my lips, and he slowly slides into me, filling my mouth with his hardness and heat. I can feel his heartbeat pulsing against my tongue, and I can taste the salty-sweet nectar of his precum.

“Damn,” Rek groans above me. “Your mouth feels so fucking perfect, sweetheart.”

I want to tell him that his cock feels perfect too, but I have to settle for a muffled moan instead.

From behind me, Traven’s voice rumbles.

“Now are you ready, woman?”


“Very well then, let us continue. Seeing as this is your first time being punished in such a manner, I’m going to go easy on you. Ten blows… think you can handle that?”



He draws back and swings, and the flat of the paddle slaps my ass a second time, reigniting the flames scorching my skin. A third blow follows shortly after, slightly harder than the previous two. In addition to striking my exposed cheeks, the paddle also pushes against the bejeweled end of the anal plug, driving it momentarily deeper into my ass.