While Rek and I change the bed sheets, Traven whips up some dinner for us. Filet mignon with smoked gouda potatoesau gratinand buttered green beans. It smells so good, I can barely keep from drooling. Then again, I haven’t had anything in my stomach since breakfast.
Okay, that’s not technically true.
I haven’t had anyfoodin my stomach. Let’s just say that.
We decide to enjoy our dinner on the freshly-made bed, using hovering trays designed especially for that purpose. It’s a slightly precarious proposition, considering how rowdy the warpers tend to get whenever they’re in bed with me, but after a long day of pretty much nonstop sex, it seems like I’ve managed to drain most of their frustration.
They’ve managed to quell my own urges too.
At least for the time being.
Once we’re settled in, Rek turns the wall imagers to movie-mode so we can enjoy some old-school cinema while we eat. After a bit of discussion, we decide to go with Traven’s favorite,John Wick—a film which he’s seen so many times, he can recite every line by heart. I can’t help but smile at how much he gets into it. The grumpy warper literally cheers the hero on as he blows away the bad guys. He even gets a little choked up at a few parts.
I definitely wasn’t expectingthat.
After the movie is over, the three of us snuggle into the nest of pillows that Rek has stacked behind us. We’re all feeling a bit lazy after such a big meal, so we decide to watch another film. Traven is scrolling through the long list of titles, when a blinking red icon at the top of the screen catches all of our attentions.
“What’s that?” I ask.
“Don’t know,” Rek says, though his smirk suggests otherwise. “Let’s find out.Nomad, open notifications…”
The blinking icon expands, and the list of movie titles is replaced by what looks like an oversized image of a wedding invitation, complete with calligraphy, curlicues, and a whole lot of bling. The text reads:
You are Cordially Invited
to the Bonding Ritual of
Pippin and Judo
to their Warpmate
Elaine Casca.
Below the invitation are three options: Attend. Watch. Decline.
“Damn,” Traven says. “I forgot all about that. When is it?”
“It’s about to start right now,” Rek answers. “That’s why the notification popped up. I set a reminder.”
“Well shit. Guess we won’t be attending.”
“Nope,” says Rek. “But we canwatch.”
Traven smiles and shakes his head.
“I can’t believe Pippin and Judo are finally settling down.”
“Yeah,” Rek says and chuckles. “But the right kind of woman will do that to a warper.”
He’s looking directly at me when he says it.
Now I’ve done my fair share of blushing over the past few days, but this time it feels as if my whole face might spontaneously combust from all the heat rushing into my cheeks. I quickly look away and try my best not to sound flustered. I’m pretty sure I fail miserably.
“Are, um, Pippen and Judo friends of yours?” I ask.
Rek nods. “We used to work together as crew members on a big corporate Warpfreighter before we all went into business for ourselves. We still make it a point to get together and hang out at least once a cycle though.”
“And now they’re getting married?” I ask. “To a woman, I mean?”