Malissa had to wait for her lip to stop trembling before she could answer.
Beliath nodded his great horned head thoughtfully. Then he cleared a space atop the altar and gestured toward the smooth stone surface.
“Bend over,” he growled.
Malissa obeyed. She walked toward the altar and leaned forward until her hips were at a right angle and her hands were braced against the smooth stone surface for support.
Beliath walked slowly toward her around the altar. He brushed his claws against her bare back, and her goosebumps, which had started to fade, now returned with vengeance. She felt a bead of wetness trickle down her inner thigh, and she shivered.
“You’re not having second thoughts, are you?” Beliath asked. “You do not have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“I can take it,” she whispered.
Beliath growled approvingly and took up the paddle.
Malissa lost sight of him as he moved into position, but she sensed his presence behind her, dark and immane. She felt his eyes examining her naked backside. Then she felt his hand again, caressing her ass and gently spreading her cheeks so he could view what lay between them. Another involuntary shudder trembled through her. She had never felt so vulnerable in all her life. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.
“What a luscious little morsel you are,” the demon rumbled behind her. “You look good enough to eat, angel. I just need to tenderize you first…”
Beliath’s hand moved away from her backside. It was replaced, a moment later, by the flat part of the paddle. He didn’t spank her with it. Not right away. He just pressed it gently against her skin. The leather felt supple and smooth.
He’s taking aim, Malissa thought.
The light pressure of the paddle disappeared from her backside, and she knew the demon was drawing it back to strike the first blow. She squeezed her eyes shut and braced.
There was a soft whoosh as the paddle rushed toward her through the air.
And then…
The paddle connected with Malissa’s exposed bottom. The thick leather was flexible enough that it did not jolt her body too badly, but it left a burning band of fire in its wake that stretched all the way from one side of her ass to the other. She snapped her head back and wailed in pain.
“Oh fuck!”
She started to stand up, but Beliath’s huge hand kept her bent over the round stone altar.
“Not so fast,” he growled behind her. “You’re not ready to give in so easily, are you?”
A part of herwasready to give in. The blow of the paddle had hurt badly, worse than anything Malissa could remember ever experiencing before. After a moment, however, the initial burn receded, and an oddly pleasurable tingling took its place. That slow transition from pain to pleasure redoubled the stiffness in her nipples and the wetness leaking between her thighs. She tossed her hair back and glared over her shoulder through tear-filled eyes.
“Ready to give in?” she asked. “Please.”
“Please,” the demon repeated with a smile. “You know how much I enjoy it when you beg. Tell me, woman: how many blows do you want?”
Malissa considered the question carefully. How many blows could she stand?
Ten? Twenty? Fifty?
Before she arrived at a decision, her lips parted, and her tongue answered of its own accord.
“I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough,” she said.
The demon’s orange eyes flared at her impudence.