“What’s that?”
“I’m curious about your mother’s book. May I have a look at it?”
“The grimoire? Of course. It’s in my satchel.”
The little queen climbed down from the altar and ran to where her satchel was lying on the grass just outside the darkstone ring. Beliath’s cock throbbed at the sight of her bare bottom bounding away from him, followed by the equally appealing sight of her jouncing breasts as she returned. She placed the satchel onto the altar and opened it.
Beliath looked inside.
There was the book, just as Malissa had said. However, it was the other item inside the bag that drew Beliath’s attention. The throbbing in his cock suddenly grew stronger.
Perhaps the book could wait just a little longer.
Malissa watched with a growing sense of nervousness as Beliath reached into the satchel and drew out the book.
And a leather paddle.
Malissa saw the way Beliath’s red cock jumped as he removed the paddle from the bag. His eyes glowed like hot embers as he turned it over in his hands, examining it. The braided handle was designed for a two-handed grip, but there was only enough room foroneof the demon’s enormous hands. The business end was a flat piece of leather about as long as Malissa’s forearm and as black as Beliath’s skin.
The demon gently set the paddle down next to the grimoire and looked at Malissa.
“Where did you get this, angel?”
“From the dungeon beneath the castle.”
Until today, that dank subterranean hell had been the only part of Dracheval Malissa had not yet explored. Still, it was no problem for her to get in and out without being seen. The network of secret passages which she had used to sneak out of the castle so many times before also connected to the dungeon. The paddle was but one of the tools she had found in that pit of despair, and perhaps the tamest. During her brief visit, she had seen other implements of torture that she knew she would never be able to handle, and others whose purpose she couldn’t even begin to fathom.
Perhaps, when Beliath was finally free of this prison, he could use some of those devices to punish Dr. Jaeger for the poison.
But not tonight. Tonight it was just the paddle, and that was not for Jaeger.
It was for her.
“Why have you brought this thing to me?” Beliath asked.
The faint smirk playing about the corners of his mouth indicated that he knew the reason all too well, but he wanted to hear her say it, and she wanted to tell him.
“Last time,” Malissa said, “You told me that demons feed upon human pleasure and pain.”
Beliath nodded slowly.
“And,” Malissa went on, “you said that pain is the more powerful of the two. I thought, perhaps, if something were still wrong with our baby, you could use my pain to heal him.”
The demon reached over and stroked her face with his clawed hand.
“My angel,” he said. “You are such a brave mother to do this for our child. But it is not necessary. The damage done by the poison has been fully healed, and no more damage has been inflicted since our last encounter.”
Malissa bit her lip and dropped her eyes.
“Perhaps you could use the energy to a different end. You could place a spell of protection on our child. Or you could save the energy for later, to inflict even greater pain on our enemies.”
Beliath placed a claw beneath Malissa’s chin and tilted her face up toward his. His orange dragon’s eyes seemed to penetrate all the way to the deepest part of her mind.
“Or perhaps,” he said, “you simply wish to know what it feels like to be punished by a demon.”