The days passed in a kind of blur. For the most part, Malissa kept to her chambers and allowed herself to be pampered by the servants. She no longer had to pretend to be hungry. The hunger inside was real, and she even took to ordering extra meals throughout the day to sate her growing appetite.
By the end of that first week, she started experiencing a touch of nausea in the mornings when she awoke. Then more than a touch. Dr. Jaeger informed her that this was normal for a woman in her state. He provided her a special herbal tonic to be drunk each night before she went to bed, as well as in the morning when she awoke, but it did little to quell her morning sickness.
It didn’t matter. Malissa pushed through it. All things considered, a bit of queasiness was a small price to pay for her newfound lease on life. No, the mornings were not too hard, and neither were the days.
It was the nights that were difficult.
Night was when she thought about Beliath.
After the lights were snuffed, Malissa would lie awake for hours, reliving everything she and the demon had done during their one night together in the darkstone ring. He had bred her so many times, she had lost count. Sometimes he had taken her from behind, the way animals do it. Other times, they had done it face to face, though Malissa hadn’t actuallyseenhis face, aside from the occasional flicker of his orange eyes whenever he spilled his seed inside her. When the time had finally come to return to the castle, her legs had almost been too weak to carry her.
Now, Malissa could not fall asleep until she had dispelled those memories, and she did so using every means at her disposal. Sometimes she would use her fingers for the task, other times her pillows. On a few occasions she even used the end of a tapered candle, though it was a paltry substitute for the demon’s enormous member.
Often, it would take her several hours before she was satisfied.
Malissa began feeling tired during the daytime. This was partly due to her pregnancy, but mostly it was the result of her long, sleepless nights spent thinking of Beliath. She requested a sleeping draught from Dr. Jaeger, but it didn’t help. Even in her dreams, the memory of the demon tormented her, and she would jolt awake in the middle of the night, shuddering and dripping with sweat. The dreams felt so real, Malissa half expected to discover Beliath’s semen leaking out of her, but when she touched herself down there, the only wetness she felt was her own.
“Creator help me,” she whispered.
He cannot help you now, Beliath’s voice seemed to whisper back from the darkest recesses of her mind.
The demon hadn’t just impregnated her with his child. He had infected her with his sin. It burned within her like a fever, and with each sleepless night that passed, it became increasingly clear that there was only one cure.
One night, around the end of the second week, it finally became too much to bear.
After the servants had left the queen’s bedchamber, Malissa got up and stripped out of her sleeping gown. A single candle had been left burning by the bed. She took it and crossed to the large wardrobe at the side of the room. From within, she took her gown of black velvet and laid it out on the bed. She looked at the gown for a good long while before she finally set her candle back on the bedside table and started to get dressed.
“Well,” said the demon. “You’re a little early, aren’t you?”
It was not yet the equinox. The night was overcast, so Beliath couldn’t use the stars to calculate how much time had passed since his last summoning—but then, he didn’t need to. The little dark-haired queen was standing before him, naked in the candlelight, and her body told him everything he needed to know. Based on the slight protrusion of her belly and the subtle enlargement of her breasts, it had been approximately one fortnight since he had seen her last.
What a nightthathad been.
Thirteen times he had bred her fertile body, and every fresh load he had spilled inside had been bigger than the one before. When he had finally allowed her to leave the darkstone ring, her legs had been as wobbly as a newborn fawn’s, and her thighs had been dripping with his pale seed. It had been overkill, but it had obviously worked. The woman was pregnant now—pregnant withhisoffspring—and she looked even more beautiful than ever.
“I’m aware that it’s not yet the equinox,” she said. “I didn’t come here to free you.”
“Oh?” said Beliath. “Then why have you summoned me?”
The little queen didn’t answer, but she didn’t really need to. As Beliath saw it, there were two possible answers. Either she needed another favor from him, or she simply wanted another hours-long ravaging. Based on the way her face suddenly reddened, Beliath knew which one it was.
He laughed and stretched his muscles the way a mortal might do after waking from a long nap. Meanwhile, down between his legs, his cock did a little stretching of its own, just as it always did in the dark queen’s presence.
Of course,shecouldn’t see that. As usual, Beliath was keeping his body hidden from her view. He decided to give her a glimpse.
“Is this what you came for?” he asked.
Then he made his cock visible, along with the heavy sacs hanging down from the base of his erect shaft. The queen’s eyes instantly widened, and her lips parted in a gasp. The expression made Beliath throb with arousal, and a drizzle of sticky serum leaked from his tip, eliciting a second, softer gasp from the queen.
Great hell, she was gorgeous. Beliath thought he could make himself come just by looking at her. He didn’t even need to use his hand. How would she react, he wondered, if he suddenly painted those luscious breasts with his seed? He was tempted to find out. She was standing well within range.
But he restrained himself.
No point scaring her off before he’d had a chance to play with her.
“That’s what I thought,” Beliath said, making his prick and balls vanish again. “Too bad. If it’s another ravaging you crave, you’ll have to earn it. That’s the thing about us demons—we never do it for free.”