Page 31 of Demonchild

The queen blushed again, but this time it did not seem to be from shame. Her face hardened into an angry scowl. Obviously his teasing had annoyed her.

“So you’re saying you’re a whore?” she asked.

Beliath just laughed at that.

“Fine words coming from a woman who sold her body to a demon.”

Her face turned an even deeper shade of red.

“That isnotwhat happened,” she said. “I bought your help with a promise to free you, a promise I intend to fulfill come the autumn equinox. As for the things you did to my body, that was a… a necessary evil.”

Beliath smirked.

Technically, the little queen was correct about their agreement, but he still remembered how, after each round of mating, she had desperately begged him for another, and another, and another.

“A necessary evil,” Beliath agreed. “And yet, here you are again, many weeks ahead of our appointed meeting. Do you deny that you have come here tonight seeking pleasure?”

The queen looked away angrily and began to pace in a circle around the outside of the darkstone ring. Beliath savored the way her naked body jiggled with every step.

“You did something to me,” she said.

“I remember. I did it to you thirteen times, to be exact.”

“That’s not what I mean!” She whirled to face the center of the ring again and tapped a finger against the side of her head. “You’ve done something to my mind. You’ve placed some kind of enchantment on me to make me… to make me…”

She let her words trail off.

“To make you what?” he asked, amused.

The queen didn’t answer. Instead, she turned her face away to hide her ever deepening blush. It gave Beliath a chance to admire the fullness of her bare rump.

“Let me guess,” he said. “You lie awake all night thinking about me, wishing I was there in your bedchamber to satisfy all of your deepest, darkest desires. To lick you with my tongue. To fondle you with my hands. To fuck you good and deep with my hard cock until your lovely little cunt is once again dripping with my hot seed.”

She glared at him over the top of her smooth, perfectly formed shoulder.

“Foul demon.”

“Don’t be such a hypocrite, woman. My words may be foul, but the thoughts I’m describing are your own.”

“Only because you put them there!” she shouted. “Now I want you to make them go away! I don’t want to have these thoughts anymore!”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes,” the queen answered, but Beliath heard the hesitation in her voice.

“Well that’s too bad,” he said, “because I didn’t place any enchantment on you, aside from the death-curse, which I will remove when you set me free come the equinox. Any impure thoughts, however, are yours and yours alone.”

It was true. He had not placed any enchantment on her. He had simply done too good a job fulfilling his end of the bargain. It had been a problem in the past with other mortal women. The priestesses who had bound him to this shrine used to bring him virgins as offerings. Those virgins almost always ended up becoming priestesses themselves. Once they’d had a taste of the demon, human males simply couldn’t satisfy them.

The queen spun to face him again.

“You’re lying!” she said.

“I’m not lying, little queen. You don’t have to believe me. Just be honest with yourself. Did you come all the way out here tonight to yell at me about enchantments, or did you come to experience the pleasure you know only I can give you. Search your feelings, woman, and you’ll see the only one lying to you isyou.”

She started to say something, but then she stopped and lowered her eyes to the ground.

“You’ve ruined me,” she said.