It was the fourth game of the season and we were the only winless team in the league. For a season that held so much promise, the accident had taken away the team’s swagger and confidence, and it was honestly hard to watch. I likely wouldn’t have even turned the game on had my friends not been here, and had Romeo not been out on the field. For such a woeful start for the team, his individual statistics were already better than they were this time last year.
“That’s because the run game is all we fucking have,” Gabe muttered in response to the statement I hadn’t even realized I said out loud.
“Ro is killing it, and if he keeps it up, he’s going to be a lock for all-pro,” Daxon added.
“And considering he is our only offense, I hedged my bets on him today. Besides, the opponent has the worst run defense in the league, and I’m banking on Ro rushing for over a buck fifty,” Callum replied.
“I should have been out there,” I said, then grabbed one of the beers.
“Everything happens for a reason. Fox and ESPN have both had reps on my line asking about you. Have you given any further thought to the next steps now that your playing career is over, Noah?”
I ignored Gabriel, and I kept my eyes focused on the large screen in my theater room. While I knew my friend was only trying to help, even entertaining the idea of going into broadcasting would be like admitting defeat and accepting that I would never run out onto the field or call a play in the huddle like the guy who had been my back-up for the past three years was doing right now.
The huddle broke and as they lined up, I immediately noticed the mismatch between our tight end and their linebacker. If Joe could get the ball where it needed to be, we would be starting this game with a first down. It would have to be better than the last game against the defending champions where it had taken midway through the third to accomplish that feat. The ball was snapped, and once the quarterback had it, we collectively groaned. Joe hadn’t seen what we did, and he had instead handed it off to the fullback who didn’t even get back to the line of scrimmage.
“This is almost too painful to watch,” Daxon remarked when the next play resulted in a seven yard sack.
“Okay, third and eighteen. I can’t believe I’m actually praying for a penalty.”
The others chuckled as they agreed with Gabriel. Not me. I stayed focused on the screen and needed Joe to just hand the ball off to our best player. Spotting Romeo on the field, I willed the play to happen the way it should, and once the ball was snapped, I slammed back the rest of that can of beer. Our dunce of a quarterback was looking for a big chunk of yardage and ended up not only taking a four yard sack, but he also fumbled.
“Fuck,” Callum swore and we all turned to him. “I had bet a few grand that we would score on the first drive.”
“That’s because you’re a fucking idiot,” I told him.
Had he not watched any of the previous games this year?
I almost wished that I hadn’t, especially when the first play back after a commercial, the other team ran the ball in for a twelve yard touchdown. “This is torture,” I said, then got up to go retrieve us something stronger than the locally made craft beer Daxon had brought with him.
As I started to return back to my friends, my steps slowed. I remembered the very last time I had been in here. It had been that night with Lulu. Suddenly, the guys in the broadcast booth and my friend’s voices were all silenced by the remembered sounds of my girl as she came on my cock. Football hadn’t been the only thing I had given up since the shooting. I had also not had sex once, even though I knew that I could. Just last night, I had the perfect opportunity to do so when Lulu offered to go down on me when I was at her house. I had declined the offerand instead had her sit on my face, where I ate her out for an orgasm or two.
Other than our sex life, things between her and I were the same. I still loved her so damn much, and I tried to spend as much time as I could with her. It had been awkward when she had first introduced me to her children, and as a friend. Zachary had been thrilled, and couldn’t wait to go share the news with all of his friends, but the girls had been far harder to impress.
Leslie had come around after we watched a few movies together, but Amanda had been the hardest to break through. She was devastated over the news of what her father had done, and I think she secretly blamed Lulu for the events. The girl had never come right out and said it, but I could see it in the way she would look at her mother. The next time I saw her though, she was smiling and very congenial.
“She actually told me this morning that she’s glad you’re here,”Lulu had told me that day.
“I’m glad because I haven’t had to work this hard to impress a teenage girl since I was in middle school.”
Since that day, things on that front had improved as well, so I didn’t know why I was so reluctant to pick back up where we had left off before everything had gone down.
“Fuck yes,” Daxon cursed, and I pushed my thoughts deep into my head, and looked at the screen.
There on the sideline doing one of his popular dances was our Titan friend. It looked like Joe had finally figured out what we all knew and had handed the ball off to our bell cow. CBS showed a replay, and I was proud of Romeo as he juked a defender, then had two others in chase as he broke off a sixty three yardtouchdown run. Even when I had been on the field, Romeo always made it look so easy.
“Another fourteen and he will have set the all-time rushing record through the first five games of the season,” Callum noted.
I set the vodka down, then took my seat. “Romeo is a special talent.”
“We would’ve been undefeated if you were out there,” Gabe remarked, and I didn’t miss the look that Daxon shot him.
“Things happen for a—” my therapist friend started to say until I cut him off.
“Yeah, and those reasons fucking suck. I had finally proven my worth after busting my ass through training camp and the entire preseason, but for what? I was so worried about being either traded or cut. I suppose I should have considered the possibility of being shot as well.”
The guys grew silent until Daxon spoke once more. “No one could have seen that coming. Or that your playing career is over. It only means that you’re meant for something bigger and greater than playing.”
“Whatever it is, I don’t want it.” I grabbed one of the nearby shot glasses, then filled it to the brim with vodka. After slamming it back, I barely even winced at the burn as it slid down my throat. I was already pouring another when Callum shot me a look of disapproval. “What, Cal?”