Page 64 of Heartless Vows

“Really, I’m fine. I’ll feel better after that juice you offered.”

I hum a noncommittal response and take her to the kitchen. Her blush as I set her on the counter erases her pallor, and after she drinks a glass of orange juice, she seems back to normal.

But when I move her to the couch—refusing to let her feet touch the ground along the way—and make a quick trip to the bedroom for socks, she’s half asleep when I return. She wakes and offers me a rueful smile as I strap a new pair of sandals onto her feet.

“How did you know my sizes?” she asks.

I kiss her ankle and trail my fingertips up her legs as I stand.

“Our mothers. Whatever they’re scheming, at least it’s thorough.”

The front door opens and Fiero calls out, wisely making noise and announcing his presence long before stepping into the foyer.

I stop Aurora from standing and join her on the couch before responding to Fiero. He stalks in, takes the situation in with a glance, and sits in the armchair catty corner to us.

A profound sense of rightness settles over me as I introduce them.

“Aurora, this is Fiero Capito, my future consigliere. Fiero, meet Aurora Achilles, my fiancée.”

As much as I love my sisters and Tristan, these are the two most important people in my life. I’ll spend more time with them than anyone else in the world.

Fiero scowls as he leans forward and props his elbows on his knees.

“I told you, I’m not consigliere material.”

Before I can correct him, Aurora beats me to it.

“And I’m not wife material, yet here I am. Grow some balls and accept the position already, would you? He won’t take no for an answer, and you know it.”

After a moment of stunned silence, Fiero smiles and sits back.

“I knew I was going to like you, boss lady. It’s good to see someone besides me is on this mongrel’s side.”

I toss the car keys at him before he can piss me off any further.

“We can chat in the car. I already ordered takeout to eat as we drive, so let’s go.”

Fiero catches the fob and shakes his head as he stands.

“I’m not a chauffeur, either.”

“Youweren’ta chauffeur,” Aurora chuckles before gasping and clinging to me when I grab her and stand.

Fiero takes one glance at us and accepts his fate without another word, turning toward the garage. He leaves every door open behind him as he leads the way to the vehicle. After shutting the car door behind me, he goes back into the house to close everything down before dropping into the driver’s seat and adjusting the controls. He’s a big man, but my shoulders are broader, so he doesn’t need to adjust much before backing out of the garage.

When he whips out into traffic, I consider admonishing him for trying to kill us, but Aurora’s head settles on my arm. I take her hand and trace her delicate digits with mine.

Fiero pulls up to the restaurant and accepts our food. Aurora rouses at the smell and hums in delight as she digs in.

Despite the mirth shining in his eyes through the rearview mirror, Fiero doesn’t make a suggestive comment about me working her too hard. When I pass him a burger, surprise flashes over his features, but he accepts.

After we all take a few bites, I nudge Aurora’s shoulder. She looks up and smiles.

“This is so good. I didn’t even realize I was hungry. Thank you.”

I shamelessly lick a crumb from the corner of her mouth before righting myself and hooking my arm over her shoulders.

“Tell Fiero what you told me about your brother,mia topolina,” I demand.