Page 65 of Heartless Vows

She chokes in surprise and downs half her water before scowling at my ploy.

Yes, I made sure she had delicious food—in a secure location with no prying eyes or ears—before throwing my demand at her.

Fiero’s expression turns to stone as he processes the news. I appreciate his quick mind as he analyzes the situation before meeting my stare in the mirror.

“So what’s the plan, boss?”

“Later. Right now, we’re sharing info. You’re next, consigliere. What’s the latest with Nico Russo?”

“They tried to hack into your sister’s tablet, but he got an anonymous tip and stopped it from happening.”

I meet Aurora’s wide eyes. She drops her hand to my thigh and furiously chews and swallows so she can answer my silent accusation.

“Yes, it was me. I sent the anonymous tip. I’m sorry I hid it from you, but I didn’t reallyknowyou yet, and I just needed to protect your sister. I didn’t mean to dig further, but—”

“What do you mean,further?”

I can’t hide the anger in my tone.

She looks around the car as though she might find an escape before squaring her dainty shoulders and meeting my stare head on.

“I traced the malware back to the creator and sent every computer IP, phone number, and GPS location involved to Nico’s assistant.”

Fiero laughs.

“You didn’t send it. You changed his desktop background. He logged on and nearly shit himself. She’s a fucking genius, boss.”

I harden my expression despite her mask of innocence.

“Since when did computer science equate to hacking?” I ask.

“Since… now?” she counteracts.

Fiero laughs harder, making me fear for our safety, but he avoids an overzealous cabbie and weaves through the traffic with ease.

“I swear, the two of you were made for each other. Boss, you better put a ring on her before she realizes she’s too good for you.”

I shift my hand into Aurora’s hair and pull her to me for a kiss. She balks, murmuring something about burger breath, but I don’t give a shit.

I’ll do more than put a ring on her finger.

I’m marrying Aurora Achilles.


Chapter 17

Aurora Achilles

My insides throbas Giorgio mercilessly kisses me. I thought, after this morning, I’d need time to recover before wanting sex again, but my future husband proves me wrong. So wrong.

Arousal hardens my clit and dampens my panties. The bruises on my neck, shoulders, and breasts throb with pleasurable pain.

He pulls away and tips my burger to my mouth, insisting I return to my meal.

“Do you need your computer from home to do what you do?” he asks.

I shrug.