Page 35 of Impressing Brett

He groans. “Best kiss ever, hands down.”

“Maybe we could take some clothes off?” I suggest. I’m never this bold. I never ask for what I want in a relationship. It’s entirely incongruent with my Little. This is adult Lacy wanting and asking. I’m pretty sure the only reason why I’m bold enough is because I’m confident he won’t turn me down.

He rubs his nose against mine. “Are you sure about that, Lacy?” His thumbs stroke my cheeks. “I don’t want to rush you.”

I can’t help but laugh. Not a giggle from my Little, but an adult laugh. “Rush me? Brett, this relationship is at warp speed. I can’t even see the trees whizzing by us on both sides. This time yesterday, I didn’t know you even found me attractive. I didn’t know what it meant to be Little. I’d never heard of a Daddy Dom. In less than twenty-four hours, I have a drawer in your bedroom and space in your closet. I haven’t even slept in your bed—and I have a drawer. I have a playroom, too. I have a closet full of clothes for an adult Little. And you don’t want to rush me?”

He smiles broadly. “Well, when you put it that way…”

I grab his waist tighter. “What other way is there to put it? Are you planning to let me move back into my apartment when they get the electricity back on?”

“Fuck no.”

I laugh again. My heart is racing. “And you’re willing to make all these decisions before you’re sure we’re compatible in bed?”

“Oh, Little lamb, there is no doubt in my mind we’ll be compatible in bed. It’s not possible for us not to be. My cock has been hard for you from the moment I buckled you into my car last night. It’s grown harder every hour since then. Every single thing you do makes me want you more.”

I can’t breathe. He’s serious. I squirm beneath him. I’m so hot for him it’s not funny. I’m equally certain we’ll light this bed on fire. But I’d like to do so now. “You made me come earlier, and I haven’t even seen your bare chest. I want you inside me. Please.”

If he turns me down after begging, I’ll probably scream from frustration.

He reaches over his head with one hand and hauls his shirt off. “There. Naked chest,” he teases.

“Maybe I could take my dress off, and we could both have naked chests?” This banter is silly, and I kind of like it. I’ve never had playful sex. I’ve never had any sex that was good. The best sex I’ve ever had was from Brett’s fingers earlier today.

“Mmm…” He rubs his nose against mine. “It’s a slippery slope. First shirts, then you’re going to want us to take our pants off, and before you know it, we’ll be naked. Do you know what might happen if we get naked, Little lamb?”

I giggle. When he calls me Little lamb, my Little comes closer to the surface. “Your cock might accidentally slip into my pussy,” I state, using two words that have never been uttered from my lips.

Another laugh makes his body shake above me. “See? It’s risky.”

“I’m willing to take that risk.” I arch up, grab his bottom lip with my lips, and bite down playfully. “It might feel good. Only one way to find out.”

“If we’re going to take those kinds of risks, I should probably get some condoms out.”

I shrug. “I’m on birth control, and I haven’t had sex with anyone in a very long time, and never without a condom. Have you ever had sex without a condom?”

He draws in a breath, and I love how his pupils dilate and his nostrils flare. “No. Never. It’s also been a while since I’ve had sex and I’ve been tested. But Lacy…”

“But what?” I run my hands up his back. “I want to be close to you.”

He swallows, searching my gaze. “If I put my bare cock in you, Lacy, I will never leave. Never.”

“You mean you’ll stay inside me for the rest of our lives?” I tease. “I don’t think we’d live very long like that. We’d need water soon and then food.”

He gives me a slow smile. “I like this side of you. Playful. Silly. Adorable. Witty.” He sobers, his brows drawing together. “I’m concerned that you’re not taking me seriously. I’m worried you’re incapable of it because so much is happening so fast.”

“It’s impossible for me to take you more seriously than I am. Do you not realize how ludicrous it sounds for you to suggest we’re meant for each other forever and ever after one day? It scares me to death. It’s like I’m falling and falling and falling, deeper and deeper. I’ll never get back out. If you change your mind, I’ll be broken.”

He lowers his forehead to mine. “I’m in that hole with you, Lacy, falling. Let me hold your hand so we can fall together.”

I wiggle my hands free from behind him and reach up to set them on top of his at my cheeks, threading our fingers together. I hold on.

“I’ve got you, Little lamb,” he tells me.

“I may not have the same faith as you that this can be forever, but I know one thing for certain. No matter what happens tomorrow or any other day after, I would regret nothing just because I had sex with you. I would be very disappointed if I never got to experience the feeling of having you inside me. One of us could get hit by a bus in the morning. Life has no guarantees. It may be difficult for me to trust in forever, but I know you well enough to have sex with you. We didn’t meet yesterday for the first time,” I remind him.

Brett rises onto his knees. For a moment, I fear he’s going to turn me down, but then he grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it over my head. He stares down at me, letting his heated gaze roam my chest until I shiver. “More,” I whisper.