I giggle as I follow him up the stairs. I don’t have plaid skirts or striped blouses, so I know he’s kidding.
Daddy passes up the guest room I slept in last night and heads for the master bedroom. He opens the suitcase on the bed. On top are my three dolls and Banana, which he hands me.
I’m so relieved to have them that I hug them all tight against my chest. “I’m sorry you had to ride in that dark suitcase,” I tell them, kissing each of them.
Daddy smiles at me. “It seemed better than explaining to the fireman why I was holding three dolls and a stuffed monkey in my arms.”
“Definitely,” I agree.
“Although, I don’t think Sanders would have said a word. He’s also a Daddy.”
“Really? How many of you are there?”
He chuckles. “Daddies?”
“Yes. I mean, I didn’t even know age play and Daddies were a thing until last night, and now, it seems like everyone in the world is a Daddy.”
He pulls out my blouses and heads for the closet, returning a moment later with a pile of hangers. “Not everyone, of course, but more people than you would think. Now that you understand the dynamic better, you’ll start noticing other people’s subtle behaviors out in public.”
“Hmmm. How will I notice?”
“Little things, like Daddies who cut up their Little’s food or Littles who have a stuffed animal peeking out of their bags.”
“Oh.” I step closer to help him with my things.
He grabs me around the waist as I reach out a hand, swings me up, and sits me on the bed near the suitcase. “Let Daddy unpack.” Next, he scoops up a pile of my panties and carries them to the dresser.
He’s putting my things in his room in his dresser, which means he also cleared out a space for me at some point today. I’m both nervous and excited by this development. I wonder if I’m going to sleep in here with him, too.
He hasn’t mentioned moving me from the pink guest room into his room. He hasn’t even kissed me, though he has stared at my lips several times as though pondering the possibility.
When my suitcase is empty, he closes it and tucks it in the closet before returning to me.
“I have a drawer in your room,” I point out.
He smiles as he approaches. “Yep.”
“Am I going to sleep in here?”
“For the rest of your life,” he states.
My breath hitches. He’s so sure of everything. How can he be so certain? “But you haven’t even kissed me. Are you going to kiss me, or are we just roommates who share a bed now?”
He suddenly grabs me around the waist, hauls me to the middle of the bed, pushes me to my back, and straddles me with his hands on either side of my head.
I’m panting already as I look up at him. “Well?” I taunt.
He growls before he lowers his mouth to mine. It’s not just a kiss. It’s a claiming. He isn’t hesitant. He’s all in. His kiss knocks my frilly socks off.
At first, all I can do is angle my head to one side and open so he can sweep his tongue inside to dance with mine. But then I need to touch him. I grab his waist and tug. I want him on me. I want to feel the pressure of his body over mine.
When he finally obliges and lowers himself over me, he groans. Or maybe that’s me. Or both of us. It feels so good lined up with him, his hands cupping my face, his mouth devouring me. My nipples are hard against my cotton dress, and his chest is pressing against mine.
I wish he were between my legs, his erection grinding against my sex, but my thighs are pushed together.
By the time he eases back, we’re both gasping for air. He sets his forehead against mine and licks my lips. “Is that what you wanted, Little lamb?”
“Among other things,” I agree, flushing.