“I don't know if you've ever been in this situation before, but I have. You may think that if you don't talk we'll eventually let you go. Or maybe you're stupid enough to think that one of your spick friends will come find you.” I took a few steps toward him and leaned down until we were eye to eye. “No one will find you out here. The only way you're getting out of here is if I let you go. And you don't want to know what the alternative is.” I let my eyes drift to some of the barrels of acid we had against the wall.
His gaze followed mine, and when they settled on the barrels, there was no denying his fear. He brought his eyes back to mine, staring me down for a few seconds. Then he spat in my face.
After the few seconds of shock, I was filled with rage. No one spat in my face and got away with it. I let out a roar of anger and burned my cigarette out in his eye.
He screamed in pain as I held it there. “I'm not playing games with you. Either you start talking or I start chopping fingers off.”
I tossed the cigarette, then went to the bathroom to wash my face and calm down. When I came back, the guy's eye was swollen shut and red. “That looks pretty bad.” I chuckled, lighting another cigarette and taking a drag. “Want me to do the other?”
He frantically shook his head. “No. Please, no.” Finally, I was getting somewhere.
“Then tell me what I want to know.”
He shook his head, whining like a pussy. “I can't. He'll kill me.”
I scoffed. “I'll kill you. But I'll do it slower and more painfully.”
Crying, he shook his head again. I felt a little bad for the guy, but then I thought about Dixyn and him spitting in my face. “I'm going to give you until tomorrow to tell me. If you don't, then the real fun will start.”
I turned my attention to Trey. “Stay here. Don't let him out of your sight.”
“Got it, Pres.”
Dead Man and I went outside. “He'll break by tomorrow,” Dead Man said.
I nodded. “The sooner the better.”
The fear I had for Dixyn's safety was a foreign emotion for me. The only people I cared about were my brothers, so for me to be feeling the way I was said something about how I felt about her, no matter how much I denied it.
Dead Man got in the van. “I'm heading to Harlot's. See you there?”
I finished off my cigarette and dropped it to the ground before snuffing it out with my boot. “Yeah, maybe.”
He gave me a knowing smile. “Okay, brother.”
He drove off, leaving me with my thoughts. I wanted to see Dixyn, but I didn't want things between us getting more serious than they were. Distance was key in keeping our arrangement simple. Great sex and a good time; nothing more.
Then why did I have a cartel roach tied up in my warehouse trying to get answers about her?
I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind. Any information about what the cartel was doing was vital to staying on top, especially since our business deal had gone south. We needed to know as much as we could about what they were doing and who they had interest in. And if that included Dixyn, we needed to know about it.
I told myself it was just business, but deep down, I knew that was bullshit.