Pressing the intercom button again, Monique leaned closer to the phone and whispered, "Yes."

Cas burst out laughing. "Count me in. His stubborn ass deserves to be kidnapped."

Monique and Toya smiled. Cas was on board with their plan, and they didn't even have to threaten him to make him join their team. Soon,Operation: Kidnapping The Donwould begin with the help of the don's little brother.Get ready, Raz. We're coming for you!

“Should we go inside now?” Meka asked Cas.

Cas nodded. Monique closed the security app. She and Toya grinned at each other as they waited for Meka and Cas to join them so they could plan their kidnapping. It took a few minutes for everyone to get settled.

But now, everyone was seated, yet the planning hadn’t begun yet. But Monique couldn’t bring herself to rush the love birds. They looked so in love! It was freaking adorable. Better than any romance show she’d seen in a while.

Monique smiled as she stared at Meka and Cas, who were seated on the couch across from her and Toya. Cas was holding Meka's hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles as he stared into her eyes.

Smitten!That was what those two looked like. They looked smitten with each other. Both wore silly grins as they sat hand in hand, not listening to a damn thing Monique and Toya were saying.

But Monique wasn't mad at them. How could she be? If Raz were there, she'd be doing the same thing.Damn, I wish Raz was here.A soft sigh escaped her as tears filled her eyes.

"Oh, sorry," Cas said after hearing Monique sigh.

Blinking back tears, Monique offered him a smile. "Don't be sorry. It's good to see you and Meka happy."

She noted the blush that crept into Meka's cheeks.Wait!Was Cas blushing also? Those two were just too freaking adorable. It was like she was watching a romance book being written right before her eyes.

"It's a bit hard to focus right now," Cas admitted, eyes on Meka. "I still feel like I'm dreaming. It feels good to be here with her. It feels so damn good."

Meka's smile widened as she whispered, "Yes, it does."

And then they were lost in each other's gaze again. Toya leaned closer to Monique and shoulder-bumped her.

"What?" Monique whispered.

"You invited him in so we could start planning the Don-napping. But all they're doing is gazing into each other's eyes," Toya observed. "When will we get this show on the road? If we're not about to start planning, I can head to the backyard and practice my decapitation swing."

Monique glanced at her friend. "We said we weren't going the decapitation route. That's why you canceled your order of fake chickens."

"I, uh, may have put in a new order so I can practice for the future. You never know when you may have to decapitate someone. The order hasn't arrived yet. It'll be here in three days. But I have been practicing my swing. My swing is kind of off. I practiced cutting up that whole chicken you had in the freezer..."

"That's for dinner tomorrow!" Monique hissed.

"We can still eat it. I wore gloves while I practiced cutting it. The problem is, I can't seem to slice through any of it with one cut."

"When did you even practice this?"

"When Meka irritated me earlier and I said I needed to step out for a cigarette."

"I knew you were up to something. You don't even smoke."

"By the time I was done with that chicken, I damn sure needed a cigarette. Or something stronger."

"Did you thaw it first?"

"Yes. I'm not crazy."

"Oh, really?"

"I thawed it partially. I needed it kind of frozen so it could be tough, like a human's neck. You know, with all the tendons and cartilage and shit. But I thawed it fully when I realized I couldn't cut through any of it with one hard swing. That didn't help much. It still takes a few swings to cut through the meat completely."

"Toya, did you ruin the chicken?" Monique asked, sounding exasperated.