"It's not ruined. It's... tenderized. But listen. If I can't cut through a chicken with one swing, I damn sure won't be able to cut through a human if I had to. I don't know about you, but I don't have time to be sitting there sawing on a motherfucker's throat, getting blood splatter all over my new kidnapping outfit. I've got to become good at this!" Toya yelled.

"Shhh," Monique hushed her.

"Don't shush me. I'm ready to start planning. Meka and Cas have all night to eye-fuck each other. They can fuck each other for real if they want, but first, we need to plot."

"I can hear you, Toya," Meka mumbled, eyes never leaving Cas. "Stop letting your crazy show in front of company."

"If the company we had was sane, I wouldn't show my crazy to him. Since he's not, he can get all the crazy. And since you hear me, Meka, can we start planning? Or should we give you two a few minutes alone?" Toya asked.

"A few minutes won't be enough," Cas answered before Meka could. "When I get her alone, I don't plan on coming up for air until morning."

Oh, wow!Meka practically swooned. Monique had never seen a person swoon before. But she was pretty sure that was what Meka was doing. Meka swayed a little closer to Cas with hearts practically shooting out of her eyes, just like in those memes.

"Oh, well, uh..." Toya cleared her throat before saying, "Uh. I don't know where to go with the conversation now."

Monique chuckled. "Someone has finally shocked you silent."

Toya joined in the laughter. "I know, right? I'm not used to this."

"Good job," Meka praised Cas. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips before facing them. "Okay. We can start planning now since Toya is in a rush."

"Thank you!" Toya exclaimed.

Cas faced them. "First, I want to say thank you for letting me in on this. My big brother is stubborn. Like me, he's new to these types of emotions. We were taught to avoid them. So, we don't really know how to handle this thing called love. I admit, I never knew it could make you feel like you were losing your mind until I lost Meka. That's why I can now understand what Raz is going through. Plus, he's dealing with a lot when it comes to the family and the family businesses. I can't go into too much detail, but if I were him, I don't know if I'd be able to handle it all."

"Doesn't he have help?" Monique asked. "He has a staff, right? And goons or something?"

"Right!" Toya added. "Where his goons at? And why isn't Leo helping him? Oh, and is Raz hiring? Because I can be a goon."

"Toya!" Meka and Monique yelled.

"Stop yelling in front of company," Toya said dismissively.

"Which question should I answer first? Uh, Leo is helping my brother," Cas assured them. "But he can only do so much. Rome and I, along with my cousin Bryce, are also helping. I hate thatRome will have to return to Italy soon. But he's the only one Raz trusts to handle our businesses with the DeLucas."

"The DeLucas?" Meka whispered. "They sound important."

"And dangerous," Monique mused.

"Yes, to both of you," Cas replied. "They are important,andthey are dangerous. They're also loyal, and they're backing Orazio up in Italy. Some of our family there are complaining about Raz being don and about the new casinos we've set up over there. The DeLucas and Rome are making sure the family over there doesn't interfere with our progress. You all asked about our goons. Yes, we havestaff. And they do their jobs. They're great at their jobs. The problem is that Raz is trying to handle too much alone. No one can do that. My dad couldn't even do that."

"I know you can't go into all the details," Meka said. "But can you explain what all he's facing?"

"Well, he has the family to take care of. As don, he's in charge of all the..."

"Criminal activities?" Toya guessed.

Cas paused, then said, "He's in charge of all thedangerousactivities. Some of our cousins oversee those activities. But Orazio still has to be in the know. And there are a few cousins he's monitoring to make sure they don't do anything that goes against what we believe in. Though we may not be the most moral family, we don't condone hurting women and children. Then there are the family members who don't think he has the right to be don. Though he's told them they can call him out and try to take the title from him..."

"Wait," Monique stopped Cas. "How does that work? How do they call him out?"

"They schedule a time and place, and they show up and see who is the strongest."

"So, a fight?" Meka asked.


"How barbaric," Toya whispered. "Can we watch the next one?"