"I saw the text, Raz. I get why you're mad. But they won't get to her. Rome will track the phone. We'll get them. We can even use Frillman's phone to lure them to us. But we have to go."

Raz continued glaring at Frillman's head, and the brain matter splattered everywhere.

"I'm taking his head with me. He's coming to this meeting with us."

"We can do that," Cas said.

"I'll get a bag," Rome stated.

Raz started to rise from his crouched position. Blood rushed to his head, making him dizzy. Cas helped Raz stand up. Orazio stared down at Frillman's still-bleeding body. The man was dead, but Raz wouldn't be satisfied until everyone who was a threat to Monique was gone.

"We will kill them all," Raz declared. "No one can live."

"Kill them all," Cas agreed.

Raz turned to leave the room. Another wave of dizziness washed over him.Fuck!He swayed. Cas caught him before he could hit the ground. The room began to fade. Darkness encroached on him. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, he couldn't control his body. He felt himself getting weaker.

"Fuck, we should've made him wait until he was completely healed," Rome yelled.

"Look at his shirt," Cas called out. "He's been hit. Damn it, Raz."

He wanted to tell them he was okay. He wanted to tell them that he couldn't rest until all their enemies were dead. But his body wouldn't let him. Though his will was strong, his body waswounded in more ways than one. It would seem he'd made it as far as he could on will alone. He could go no farther.

Orazio Cattaneo passed out.


He was floating in and out of consciousness. Each time he wastechnicallyawake, he tried to force his eyes open. But his lids were too heavy, much like the rest of his body. He was never awake for long.

When he was, he heard the hushed voices of his brothers and felt excruciating pain. One side of his body felt like it was on fire. When the pain became unbearable, he ceased fighting and let the darkness pull him under.

He awoke once to the dings of Rome's computer, followed by a muffled conversation between his brothers and Leo. A conversation he needed to be a part of but was too fucking weak to wake up and participate.

"What's those dings? Did something happen?" Cas asked.

"Cameras are picking up the board members," Rome replied. "I have the locations of three more."

"I'll send some teams after them," Leo stated. "Instead of having teams watch those particular board members' homes, I'll have them go get the board members themselves."

No,Raz thought it but couldn't open his mouth to utter the words. He wanted those homes under surveillance. He wanted to know who would come to those families' aid. He had a feeling this went much deeper than just the board.

"Sounds good," Cas stated. "Tell them to kill the board members and bring us their heads."

"Okay," Leo answered. "I'll have them meet us at the hospital with the heads."

What the hell, Cas and Leo?Raz thought, growing angry but unable to do anything about it. He didn't want to be brought their heads. He wanted to take them himself. He wanted to see the life leave their eyes.

He wanted to feel their blood seeping between his fingers. He wasn't ready to go to the hospital. Not yet. Not until all those bastards were dead. Then and only then could he return to Monique's side.

But he couldn't issue that order. He couldn't speak. He couldn't move. He couldn't even open his fucking eyes. All he could do was let sleep claim him as the darkness closed in on him again, pulling him under, leaving his brothers in charge.

The next time he woke up, he heard Leo talking. Leo must've been on the phone because he was ordering the cleanup crew to go to the board members' locations and clean up the scenes.

Leo instructed the crew to get rid of the bodies so the authorities couldn't find them. Rome was already working on a cover story for why all the board members were killed or missing. And it involved their father being reported as missing also.

"We'll blame it on the Tatum family," Rome explained. "This will also clear your name, Cas, with what happened with Tatum's daughter. We'll make it look like they wanted to bring down Cattaneo Corp when we wouldn't sell it to them. They started by trying to blackmail us by blaming Cas for something he didn't do."

That was a good story. A damn good story. Raz loved that this could clear Cas's name with the police. However, Raz wanted to be a part of what was happening. Still, it was good to know that even without him, his brothers could handle things.