
When Frillman finally spoke, he said, "I-I wasn't thinking. I'd lost a lot of blood. I was out of it and..."

"I'll see what you were thinking for myself when I put a bullet in your brain and watch it splatter on the wall," Raz told him.

"P-please, Orazio..."

Footsteps echoed behind them, announcing Cas's return. The way Frillman trembled let Raz know that Cas had the weapon Raz wanted.

"T-that's not a knife," Frillman stuttered, his eyes wide with terror. "That's a meat cleaver."

"Here you go," Cas handed Raz the meat cleaver.

Raz gripped the hilt as Frillman pulled his hand back, reluctant to offer it up now.

"Hold his hand down for me," Raz ordered Cas.

"With pleasure," Cas replied, moving to the other side of Frillman and gripping his arm.

Frillman struggled, trying to keep them from stretching his hand out and placing it flat on the floor. They didn't have time for this. With a swift motion, Raz slammed the butt of the meat cleaver into Frillman's face twice, making the man's head slamagainst the wall. Frillman's body went lax, giving Cas a chance to flatten his hand on the floor.

"No, please don't!" Frillman cried, slightly recovering and pressing his fingers tightly together.

Raz only needed the thumb. But since this bitch wanted to be difficult.... Raz raised the cleaver and brought it down hard, slicing all four of the board member's fingers off.

"Damn," Cas called out, speaking over Frillman's screams. "You didn't let me say this little piggy went to market," his brother protested as Raz raised the cleaver again and chopped off Frillman's thumb.

Raz picked the severed digit up and used it to unlock Frillman's phone as the board member's wails filled the room. He checked his most recent text message. Rage flowed through his veins as he stared at a picture of Monique.His Monique.It was a picture of his Rosa smiling.

It was a familiar photo, one that Raz had seen before on her ex-husband's social media page when Raz had been investigating Monique, looking for ways to make her his. Seeing that photo on Frillman's phone had Raz seeing red. However, the message that came with it sent him over the edge.

The message read:I had my team search Orazio Cattaneo's image in the public surveillance database. This woman was spotted shopping with Orazio Cattaneo recently. We'll begin the search for her. Send half the money now, the other half when I bring you her head.

The phone shook in Raz's hand as anger pulsed through him. It clattered to the ground, the sound barely registering as his mind raced with what he'd just read. He slowly faced Frillman, his eyes burning with fury as Cas picked up the phone Raz had dropped.

"I'm s-sorry," Frillman sobbed, tears dripping down his cheeks. "I'll call it off," Frillman cried, already knowing what themessage said. "I'll go away. Far away. Y-you can take my family as payment. Take my money, too. I'm rich. And I won't..."

Raz raised the knife and brought it down on Frillman's face, wanting to silence the bitch forever. A garbled cry gurgled up from Frillman as Raz pulled the meat cleaver out and brought it down on his face again.

A huge gash split across the man's face as blood splattered onto Raz and the wall. He tasted the blood, felt its warmth against his skin. But he didn't give a fuck. He needed Frillman to shut the fuck up.

"Did. You. Really. Think. I'd. Let. You. Get. To. Her?" Raz yelled as he chopped, each word accompanied by a swing of the cleaver.

Frillman convulsed as Raz raised the cleaver and brought it down again, then again, and again, slicing and slicing, sending blood flying until he'd completely cut the bitch's face and head in half. But Frillman's head was still attached to his body. Raz began cutting at his neck.

"He's dead," Cas said from beside him.

That didn't stop Raz from cutting until the man's head fell from his body, one half sliding to one side, the other falling to the other side. Raz took a deep breath, struggling to breathe, heart racing, side aching.

"Damn," Rome drawled from behind Raz.

"We need to leave," Leo said, entering the room. "We need to add his body to the lobby so I can set this place on fire and make it look like a meth lab explosion. Come on, Raz," Leo called as Raz sat there, glaring at Frillman's headless body that was still bleeding.

He hadn’t punished the motherfucker enough. He needed to do more. For Monique.Fuck! They even had a picture of her. They had a fucking picture of her. He had to protect her. Hecould not let them hurt her. Raz raised the cleaver, ready to continue cutting.

Cas grabbed his arm and said, "It's done."

Shaking with Rage, Raz tried to jerk his arm free of Cas. His brother held on to him tightly.