"It’s not at a red light. This one was picked up on a camera at Motel 6." Rome went on to list the address to the motel.

"Head there now," Orazio ordered Leo.

"On it, boss."

Finally, something to go on!

"Who the hell is at Motel Six?" Raz questioned, confused as to why any of the board members would go there.

"One sec. I'm pulling up the feed now," Rome told him. A few seconds later, his brother chuckled. "It's the person I least expected it to be. It’s Frillman."

Frillman?Raz frowned, mind racing.

"The only reason that bastard would be at Motel 6 was if he was meeting some seedy individuals there," Raz stated.

"That’s the most likely reason he’s there," Rome agreed. "He hasn’t made a call or texted on his phone. None of them have. But that’s because our uncle recorded our conversation, so they know we're monitoring them. He had to use someone else’s phone to make the call and schedule this meeting. I’ve got the camera’s live feed pulled up," Rome informed Raz.

Cas, also seated in the back seat, leaned over to look at the laptop screen as Rome continued talking.

"Frillman was escorted into a room on the first floor of the motel. Looks like he has three guards with him. One of the guards had the room key. This place still uses an actual key instead of a key card." Rome shook his head and continued. "So far, only three guards have gone into the room with him. That’s not to say that they didn’t meet someone there. There are only three cars parked on that side of the building. The motel isn't packed. I’m going to run those plates now to see who comes up," Rome told them.

Raz looked at Cas. "Search that particular Motel 6 and see what guests say about it. It could be a place run by Frillman’s people."

Nodding, Cas pulled out his phone. "Who would’ve guessed that Frillman’s weak ass would actually keep a team posted up at Motel 6? This makes me think he’s pushing weight out of there. It seems there's more to our father's board than we thought."

Raz nodded. "This would've been the perfect place for him to lay low because it would've been one of the last places we lookedfor him. If his people manage this place, they’ll come to his aid when they see us here."

"I’ll put the cameras on a loop before we get there," Rome stated. "It shouldn’t take me more than five minutes."

"You’ve got three," Leo announced. "We’ll be there in three minutes."

"Working on it." Rome's fingers clicked across the keyboard.

"Hey, Raz, reviewers say this place is a dump. There’s been multiple reports of shootouts and seedy people hanging out late at night. A few even said when they tried to enter the lobby to pay for a room, the door was locked, and it was during the middle of the day." Cas chuckled. "Isn’t this place supposed to always keep the light on for customers?"

Raz glared at his brother.

"No one else found that funny, huh?" Cas said. "Fuck y’all. That was funny."

"Is that all they say about the place?" Raz asked.

"Pretty much," his brother replied.

"I’ve got it," Rome chimed in. "The cameras are on a loop. Since Frillman’s people may manage this place, one of us should keep the people in the lobby distracted while the rest of us engage with Frillman. I’m sure Frillman has alerted his team to be on the lookout."

"We’re almost there," Leo stated. "I’ll park in the McDonald’s parking lot next to the motel and walk over. Cas, you drive after I get out. I’ll make sure the lobby person doesn’t make a call to Frillman, alerting him of our presence. If there are other watchers..."

"Hold up," Rome called out, causing everyone to go silent. "As soon as you turn into the motel’s parking lot, I’ll press this button, and all cell service in a three-mile radius will go down."

"Sounds good," Leo stated. "But I'll still handle the lobby person. We don't need them coming to Frillman's aid. I'll takethat person out quick, then guard the door to see if anyone comes to help."

"Sounds like a plan," Raz agreed. "But we have to be in that room within one minute. Do you know the room number?" Raz asked Rome.

"No. I can’t see it with the camera angle. But I know which room it is. I can lead us to it," Rome replied.

"Good. Listen. We only have a few minutes to get in and get out. I do not need anyone alive. Kill them all. But Frillman's bitch ass is mine," Raz ordered. "Leo, you take care of the lobby and any watchers they may have. Cas and Rome, you enter the room with me. It should be a simple lock and chain setup if they use keys to open the doors here. Shooting the door knob off, then kicking it open to break the chain, will be our quickest way in. The only problem is, that first shot will get their attention..." Raz paused when Rome's laptop pinged again.

"Hey, that's no longer a problem," Rome told him. "Frillman is exiting the room now with two of his guards."