His brothers rose from their seats. Rome followed Raz and the other guards out of the room while Cas trailed behind them,his gun pointed at Tatum. Tonight, Raz wouldn't go home, he wouldn't return to the hospital, he wouldn't rest until every board member was dead. The first person he wanted dead was Frillman's bitch ass.
It was time to cut the head off a snake.
Chapter Sixteen
You can't protect everyone.
His uncle's words drifted through Orazio's mind as he stared out the car window, feeling like the entire world was closing in on him. Those words wouldn't fade away. They were playing on repeat, echoing in his mind, taunting him, gnawing at his resolve.
He clenched his hands into fists, knuckles white as he tried to keep his anger and anxiety under control. That was hard to do, considering everything going on around him. And why the hell was this car going so fucking slow?
"Speed up," Raz growled.
"Boss, if the police pull us over and see that it's us, I'm sure they'll want to check the trunk," Leo told him. "We don't have time for that kind of heat."
Orazio wanted to sayfuck the cops. But that would be reckless of him. He couldn't afford to be reckless. Gritting his teeth, he faced the passenger seat window, barely resisting the urge to slam his fist through the glass, hoping the pain would distract him from his wayward thoughts and dull the ache in his chest.
But that ache wouldn't go away until he was back withher.Don't think about her,Raz thought to himself, afraid that if he thought about her right now, he'd have Leo turning the car around and taking him to her side, where he belonged.
She was safe. His team was on their way to secure the hospital. Monique was fine.She's fine,he repeated in his head a few times, hoping it would stick. Raz closed his eyes, but he couldn't shut out the dread he was feeling.
To calm himself, he went over everything that was happening right now. Bryce had taken Uncle Patrick and Tatum's bitch ass to the family, where they'd be locked up until Raz took care of more pressing matters,the motherfucking board.
He was still pissed that Patrick had recorded their entire damn plan. Now, the members of the board had a chance to run and hide. They had a chance to reach out to their connections. They had a chance...period.
Raz didn't want them to have any chances. Releasing a sigh, Raz turned to look into the back seat. With his laptop perched on his lap, Rome sat hunched over in the backseat, eyes darting across the screen as he tried to hack into cameras around the city.
Rome was mainly focusing on the cameras at red lights. His brother had some type of program that would ping when the image of the board members appeared on any of the cameras. So far, they hadn't had any pings.
There was no way those fuckers could've gone into hiding that fast. Raz faced forward in his seat. There was no point in rushing Rome. Raz would hear the ping whenever his brother found something.
Closing his eyes again, Raz asked, "Leo, we have teams going to the board members' homes. Have any of them checked in yet?"
"No, boss. They haven't made it to the homes yet," Leo replied.
"How fucking long does it take to reach an address?" Orazio snarled.
"I'll contact them," Leo stated before pressing his hand against his earpiece and talking to those he was connected to. "Team one, check in," Leo said. "What's your ETA?"
Raz listened as Leo checked in with the teams. No one had made it to their destination yet.
"What the fuck am I paying them for if they can't do their fucking jobs?" Raz yelled.
"Calm down," Rome ordered from the back seat, prompting Orazio to turn around to glare at him.
"Calm down?" Raz yelled. "How the fuck do you expect me to calm down at a..."
Rome interrupted him by saying, "You're proving Uncle Patrick right. He said love made us weak. It made us act out of character. It made us reckless. He also said you'd lose the woman in your life because of love. Stop proving him right before it's too late."
This motherfucker!Before Raz could go in on his ass, Rome's computer pinged.
"A face has been picked up on one of the cameras," Rome told him.
"Whose face was picked up, and which red light are they at?" Orazio asked, no longer blinded by rage.